Friday, March 18, 2022

Dream Jobs


Every once in a while those videos of baby pandas will make the rounds and folks will declare that being a “panda cuddler” is their dream job. Who wouldn’t? They’re downright adorable and the responsibility of cuddling these playful creatures would be an ongoing delight of sensory pleasure. Warm fuzzies, if you will.

The other day I chanced upon my dream job quite by accident.

This is Igor, he was very loved in his previous home but is now looking for new adventure. Igor used to love to act out the tiger in 'The Tiger Who Came To Tea' at bedtime and is hoping he can be the main character in someone else's life soon!

What’s this? Someone is rehoming previously-loved stuffed plush animals and sharing their stories? I had to know more.

It turns out that Loved Before  is a company located in London whose motto is “Saving the World, One Teddy at a Time.”

Oh my heart.

Our Story

" A lifetime of stories, memories and love, just thrown away "

"A few years ago, whilst volunteering in a charity shop, I noticed the amount of soft toys that they were receiving. These items which often held great memories and sentimental value, were being thrown onto a pile and often sold as dog toys (or even worse, into the bin!). I witnessed how the love, and the life and the stories were lost and forgotten, just like that."

"Loved Before was born in an attempt to change the way we think about, and use soft toys forever. By challenging our perceptions of pre-owned objects, we can show that instead of losing value, a toy once loved is made even more valuable by the love and life it has already experienced."

Charlotte, Founder

You absolutely must click on the photo above. It completely stole my heart. 

  1. Loved Befores arrive at HQ, meet the rest of the gang and settle in to all the madness here!  
  2. Donated friends visit the Loved Before Spa, where they receive a thorough clean and refresh.
  3. Loved Befores have their own photoshoot, are added to the store and re-homed to find new adventure!
  4. At least half of the profit from every friend adopted goes to Make-A-Wish UK.
Another part of the Loved Before Mission is rather like the Buy Nothing community, Free Bikes 4 Kidz Maryland or Scrap B’more. It’s about changing the throw-away culture and keeping things out of landfills.

Loved Before believe that there are enough soft toys already in the world to never have to produce another again and that through changing perceptions of the pre-loved objects that already exist, we can begin to revolutionise the toy industry, forever. 

It’s possible that might be an easier sell in England than in the US where we are driven daily by advertisements and social media campaigns to buy new, new, new and more, more, more. I don’t know if the Loved Before mission is feasible but I know I want it to be.

Imagine, if you will, this retired early childhood educator interviewing teddies, listening to their stories, and finding them new homes. It’s a dream come true. I wonder if Loved Before has considered opening a U.S. operation.

I don’t know, though. Taking on a whole new venture would be life-changing. This requires some serious thought. I’d better talk it over first with a friend.

What’s your dream job?