Saturday, March 12, 2022

Say Yes to the Dress


It looks like high school proms are returning, bringing back memories of the time my daughter was searching for a prom dress.

New fun game. The Kid and I are sending photos of prom dresses to eachother. I found the perfect one, it’s 600.00.

Next she started sending me pictures of the most atrocious ones. 

Daughter, looking at prom dresses,

“That looks like a watermelon. You’re wearing a watermelon!”

Followed by:

“What are you going to do with your boobs in this dress? Put them in your pocket?”

“This one doesn’t have pockets.”

The pièce de resistance:

What. Were. They. Thinking? 

My response at the time:

I think it looks like someone’s arm is up her dress here, and they’re responsible for knocking her off balance. Also, it’s really sad she had a run in with a jar of exploding baby powder.

When you add up all the expenses associated with going to the Prom, the total cost can be enormous. In 2015 the folks at HC Drug Free made up their own list, which you may notice is pretty heavy on the gender stereotyping.

The message about having a drug-free, alcohol-free Prom is a valuable one. The assumptions about gender roles and what constitutes “a couple” could stand to be updated. (And perhaps they have been. But this was out of date even in 2015.)

This year two local schools are schools are undertaking to make the cost of a prom dress more affordable.

At Oakland Mills High School:

Oakland Mills High School is hosting a Dress Sale on Saturday, April 2nd from 11:00 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the school’s cafeteria. NOTHING OVER $20, and some are even as low as $5!! All proceeds go to the OMHS Journalism Department. 

If you have Prom or a formal event coming up, this is a great place to find a high quality dress at a low price! Some dresses still even have the tags on them! 

This event is to raise funds so that the OMHS Journalism Department can afford to print the student newspaper, The Scroll. If you have a dress or dresses you’d like to donate, they are accepting donations until March 28th.

On the very same day, April 2nd, Atholton High School will be hosting Becca’s Closet:

There are 1500 dresses at Atholton high school looking for a student to take them home. Free admission, free dress! Come “shop” on April 2 from 9-2!  No appointment necessary!

What kind of a dress did my daughter choose? I’m not at liberty to say. You know how carefully the young  folks protect their “brand” these days. On the other hand, I’m not quite so protective.