Once upon a time I wrote these words and made an internal commitment to get back to them.
One thing that came up in our conversation was that we were in complete agreement that all the people who are doing outstanding, transformative community work right now in Columbia/HoCo are women. I’d go into more detail but I think that’s a blog post unto itself. - - “Reunions” 7/14/2021
I was reminded of that internal commitment when I saw this article from The Business Monthly.
“The Future of Downtown Columbia”, Mark R. Smith, November 2021
When I saw the title - - The Future of Downtown Columbia - - topped by a photograph of three white men, it was hard not to see an unspoken message: “What’s the future of Columbia? We asked three white men to find out.”
I thought about that conversation with my friend.
… all the people who are doing outstanding, transformative community work right now in Columbia/HoCo are women. (And not just white women, I might add.)
Here’s what I will call a sampling, because I can’t possibly know or remember* them all:
Laura Bacon - - The 3rd
Nina Basu - - Inner Arbor Trust
Bonnie Bricker - - Talk With Me Howard County, now a part of HCPSS
Amy Brooks and Jessica Mahajan - - OMO, formerly Oakland Mills Online
Chiara D’Amore - - Community Ecology Institute
Candace Dodson-Reed - - African American Community Round Table, Elevate Maryland
Beth Harbinson - - Sobar
Marlena Jareaux - - Howard County Lynching Truth and Reconciliation
Ying Matties - - CARY, Community Allies of Rainbow Youth
Erika Strauss-Chavarria - - Columbia Community Care
But today is a special day. Giving Tuesday.
GivingTuesday was created in 2012 as a simple idea: a day that encourages people to do good. - - Giving Tuesday website
All of the women mentioned above are involved in doing good and encouraging others to do good. With the exception of Talk With Me and Elevate Maryland, all of these organizations have 501 (c) (3) status and could benefit from your donations today.
GivingTuesday reimagines a world built upon shared humanity and generosity. GivingTuesday is a Movement that Unleashes the Power of Radical Generosity Around the World.
And right here in Columbia/HoCo, too. With women leading the way.