I wonder who goes to the Mall on the night before Christmas? Are you a Christmas Eve shopper?
I have been known to be out during the day on 12/24 picking up stocking presents at the Walgreens or perhaps even Target. But Christmas Eve at the Mall? Nope. Not me.
In my childhood, Christmas Eve was when my father would be dragging one of his three daughters with him to find something for my mother at the very last minute. We all took turns on these Godforsaken forays into holiday desperation. Perhaps that’s why I don’t go to the Mall on Christmas Eve now.
It’s possible, though, that the frenzy of last minute shopping - - that I abhor - - is a part of someone else’s regular Christmas tradition. They may find it thrilling, for all I know. The thrill of the hunt. The burst of adrenaline, or dopamine, or the rush of a sugar-infused caffeine drink that spurs them on to complete the epic quest.
Now our Mall, the Mall in Columbia, isn’t open past 6 pm on Christmas Eve and I think that’s a good thing for employees who’d like a bit of respite after the holiday rush. You can still shop from nine am to six pm, though. And I can tell you who’s hoping you will be at the Mall on December 24th. Business owners, naturally.
And one in particular is offering some last-minute party atmosphere for your shopping pleasure.
DJFix/Spinner Circle will be at Macy’s on Christmas Eve. (Day)
I'm back one more time!! Get your Christmas Eve shopping going as I provide some holidays tunes. #macys #mallincolumbia #columbiamd #djfxspinnercircl #haveturntableswilltravel
It looks like holiday tunes are the order of the day. I don’t know if he’ll be taking requests.
I did not find any mention of this on the Mall website, but I did discover that you can enjoy the Lime Kiln Middle School Chamber Strings ensemble tonight by the Poinsettia Tree at 7 pm. The link at the local Macy’s website provided no clues about the DJ either.
It’s a holiday mystery.
I have vague memories of enjoying live piano performances at Nordstrom. I wonder if they still do that?
I know that I lack the enthusiasm for our local mall that many folks who grew up here seem to have in abundance. So I’m putting the call out for your happy Mall memories. They don’t even have to be holiday-themed. Fun job? Perfect purchase? Mall romance? Family adventure? I’m interested. I’ve share mine before. Holiday themed, as it so happens.
One last question. Does the thought of a DJ make you more or less likely to shop at the Mall this Saturday?
If you’ve been finished with your shopping for weeks now and everything is beautifully wrapped, please don’t tell me.