The more I try not to inundate you with posts about “the holidays”, the more all the local stories around as are about “the holidays”. Sorry, folks.
Clarksville Commons is hosting a Holiday Market on the plaza from 10 am to 2 pm.
Stock up your fridge, freezer, and pantry, and find unique presents for all kinds of people on your list! Local musician Mike Walls will be adding a festive musical feel to the market!
While you’re there you might want to pop inside the Common Kitchen where three of the food vendors are having a bit of a contest.
The three businesses participating are trifecto, Tasty Empanadas, and the Taco Joint. Cast a vote for one of their displays and you can help them win 500 dollars for their selected non-profit.
Meanwhile, down at the Lakefront, The 3rd will be hosting a Holiday Bazaar from 1 to 5 pm. It looks like they are suggesting that you pre-register. Learn more at the event page.
We’ll sip, shop and celebrate a great year!
This event will be held inside the 3rd headquarters and includes shopping for the community, a wreath-making workshop with Tracey Christian from Brown Legacy Products, chair massages and the chance to get your purchases gift-wrapped.
Invite family and friends to enjoy a day of shopping and holiday fun, all while supporting local WOC business.
It’s the perfect opportunity to relax, network, and snag a last-minute gift!
I went to this event last year and ended up buying something for myself. Hey, it happens.
If you are looking for a bit of holiday cheer that doesn’t come with a price tag, students from Oakland Mills High School are putting on a parade this afternoon at four o’clock.
The parade begins at Stevens Forest Elementary and heads towards Oakland Mills High School. I’m pretty sure that you don’t need to be from Oakland Mills to attend. While there’s no shopping involved, the parade organizers are inviting you to bring along non-perishable food items which will be donated within the community.
Also free: a concert at 3 pm this afternoon at River Hill High School presented by the Columbia Concert Band.
Oh, boy. I’m sure there’s more “holiday” going on today in Columbia/HoCo that I just don’t know about. Clue me in if there’s something I’ve omitted.
After the parade, all are invited to OMHS for a Holiday Hangout:
And, from 4 to 8 PM, come check out the festive light display in the Oakland Mills Community Association courtyard. Take fun photos! Make yourself truly the envy of your Instagram friends! It’s free but bring a non perishable donation for the OMHS Food Pantry.
As a postscript, can someone explain to me what they’ve done to the drive-through mail boxes at the Oak Hall Lane branch of the Post Office. I was there yesterday to mail (holiday) cards and discovered that the three mailboxes have been morphed into one enormous box with a central mouth.
It was so full I had to get out of my car to forcibly insert my cards deep enough into the slot that they weren’t in danger of falling back out. I think there may be something wrong with the theory that the mail will distribute enqually into the huge interior. The mail, I fear, is damned.
Sorrry, I meant jammed. I don’t think it works on the inside the way it looks on the outside. I sure hope they emptied it soon after I left!
In a spirit of ecumenism, I’d love to know about any completely non-holiday activities you have planned for the day.