The Columbia Association folks posted a cute little video this morning done in the style of the “Friends” television show opening.
It’s fun to watch and was surely fun to do. In light of Tuesday’s post, what to you think it tells the viewer about CA? What does it communicate?
We have reached the time of year where locals begin to reminisce about that Flash Mob at the Mall and wonder if they’re ever going to do it again. In case you’ve never heard about the legendary Flash Mob at the Mall - - or you just want to enjoy it all over again - - here it is.
December 22, 2010, Video courtesy of HoCoMoJo
Details on how it all came about can be found in the Description section under the video on YouTube.
I wasn’t there when it occurred and I dare say that if everyone who says that they were there had actually showed up it would have shut the entire mall down. Let’s just say that a lot of folks wish they had been there, which may be what prompts the yearly calls to “do it again!”
So I wasn’t too surprised when I saw this from an anonymous poster on Facebook yesterday:
Flash dance mob tonight at the Poinsettia Tree in the Mall at 6:30 tonight.
I reached out to one of the original “flashers” to see if this was coming from them. As I suspected, it was not. I didn’t see anything else about it before I went to bed. As of five am I hadn’t seen any video of such an event, either. But I did see this on TwitterX:
@MallinColumbia It's a Christmas party! Thank you to all the wonderful festive seniors in my hometown of Columbia, MD. Everybody is dancing and having a great time. Just days before Christmas.
As they say, “pics or it didn’t happen.” I can’t say with any certainty that anything happened and I am mighty curious as to whether the tweet above refers to high school seniors or 60+ seniors. I may never know.