Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Cool Duck: Dapper, Determined, Dynamic

I sat down with the new duck-about-town, Cool Duck, to get a sense of where he’s coming from and what makes him tick.


Village Green/Town²: Let’s start out with a little background knowledge. Cool Duck, will you tell us a little bit about yourself? Are you from Howard County originally?

CD: No, I am not originally from Howard County, I hail from the pond of many dreams. Immediately upon my arrival, I made friends with lifelong residents, like Najee, and became fascinated with Howard County’s values and community character as a whole, looking out for one another is a virtue that outshines the rest. Also, I saw that Howard County has been ranked as the 2nd and 7th respective happiest cities in the United States over the last two years and thought I have to meet these people if I ever have the opportunity!

Village Green/Town²: Is Cool Duck your real name or is it a stage name or pseudonym?

CD: Cool Duck is indeed my official government name.

Village Green/Town²: Who are your duck heroes?

CD: As a duck, one thing is for sure, we all come with our own unique personalities. I grew up watching reruns of the original Disney’s DuckTales, and the bravery and adventure of Uncle Scrooge’s nephews and friends were inspiring. They always taught many valuable lessons whether they were protecting their Uncle’s riches or on the search for hidden treasures, they were always themselves and they all learned and grew together, including Uncle Scrooge who didn’t have the best sense of morality at the beginning but things tend to change when the examples around you are outside of your usual experiences.

Village Green/Town²: Now let’s talk about HCAR. What brings you to the Howard County Association of Realtors?

CD: December 1st, I happened to find myself a bit lost in the office of the Howard County Association of Realtors. As I aimlessly waddled through the hallways, I was greeted by Najee who immediately started showing me around and telling me all about the cool things that I was mesmerized by as I looked around. From there, I realized there was so much to learn and share that I would not have known if I never waddled into this office. With all of the things that the Association does for its members and the community, I asked Najee if I could share some of the new things, I learned with the community in hopes that they can learn more about this industry.

Village Green/Town²: What can the public expect to see you doing in your current collaboration with HCAR?

CD: First, my goal is to always bring joy to any individual I can. In collaboration with HCAR, I look forward to being able to tell you about the different types of continued education courses they offer, I’ll ask to lead a couple of Committee meetings,  we’ll be doing some community service, and getting to meet community leaders along the way if I work hard enough!

Village Green/Town²: Is there one particular message you hope to highlight in your new role?

CD: In this role, the message I would like to share is that “Your gifts will make room for you,” always remember to find the beauty and joy in the little things as every day is a new gift to be cherished!

Village Green/Town²: Thank you so much for your time today, Cool Duck. Should we be on the lookout for public appearances or Cool Duck swag in the near future?

CD: Thank you, Village Green/Town², for your time and the opportunity to share with you today! I am not sure about swag yet but stay tuned!


So there you have it. Face to beak - - uh, bill - - no holds barred, from the duck himself. There’s a lot going on in that little yellow head. Cool Duck bears watching. He’s definitely going places. If this interview is any indication, I’d say he has a career ahead of him in motivational speaking. 

To learn more about the Howard County Association of Realtors: 




*Village Green/Town² wishes to thank Najee Bailey of HCAR for facilitating this interview.