Sunday, January 7, 2024

Wellbeing and Being Well in HoCo


I’ve been following with curiosity a series of recent posts on County Executive Calvin Ball’s Facebook page. Have you seen them? Here are the first three.  I don’t know if there will be more. (Dates are approximate.)

January 3rd

Embrace the Okinawan way! Okinawa, known as "the land of immortals," is home to some of the longest-living people, with lower rates of dementia, cancer, and heart disease. Their secret? A life outdoors, community spirit, and a forward-looking attitude.

Our ample year-round sunshine isn't just for a brighter day—it's a dose of vitamin D for stronger bones and a healthier body. Studies show that regular sun exposure is linked to lower emotional distress.

Let's follow their lead and embrace the blue zone. Step outside and enjoy 15 minutes of sunshine daily. It’s a natural step toward longevity and joy.

January 4th

In Howard County, we take a page from the Sardinian book of life, where strong family connections are a key to longevity. In Sardinia, revered for its residents’ long lives, families are tightly-knit, with elders cherished for their wisdom and guidance. This sense of belonging provides a buffer against life’s stresses, contributing to lower risks of depression and a more fulfilling life.

Just as the Sardinians value their grandparents as central to their family unit, let’s make it a point to connect with our own older loved ones. A call to your grandparents can be more than just a conversation; it’s an exchange of love and wisdom that strengthens bonds and enriches lives.

Let's honor our elders in Howard County. Reach out to your grandparents or an older friend. Their insights and stories can lead us to live fuller, happier lives. This is our way of weaving the fabric of a close-knit community, one phone call at a time, fostering well-being across generations.

January 5th

In the spirit of Ikaria's celebrated lifestyle, let's bring the essence of their social vitality to Howard County. The simple act of scheduling regular time with friends can weave a stronger social fabric and contribute to our collective well-being.

Research is clear: strong social bonds are a lifeline to longevity. Studies indicate that lacking close community ties could significantly shorten one’s lifespan. It’s a stark reminder of the life-sustaining power of camaraderie and connection.

Commit to a weekly gathering with friends or family. Whether it’s a coffee chat, a walk in the park, or a shared meal, these moments do more than enrich our days—they extend our years. Let's cherish these bonds and make every effort to keep our community closely knit and full of life.

These are not the usual posts we see on the County Executive’s page. We are more used to seeing announcements of County initiatives, park openings, invitations to participate in community feedback or local events. These are different. While I was pondering just what made them different, I remembered something I had seen on TwitterX a few days ago. 

Rotary Norwich: The Cuppa Care bus will be visiting #DownhamMarket & #Outwell on Weds 3rd January. Prince Henry Place Retirement Housing: 10am to noon, Beaupre Hall Retirement Housing, St Clements Close: 1pm to 3pm. #cuppacare #health #wellbeing #norfolk

The Cuppa Care Bus is an outreach program of the Norwich Rotary which is celebrating the one hundredth year since its founding. 

To commemorate the first one hundred years, the club has initiated a long-term project that focuses upon ‘preventing and reducing social isolation and loneliness in Norfolk’ - whether caused through poverty, disability, age, gender, lack of accessible local support and information services, geographical remoteness or poor transport, or other needs.

The well-known British tradition of “having a cuppa” is the jumping off point here to bring people together, establish connections, and even offer necessary services and support. You see in the hashtags used above: health and wellbeing.

Do you see the parallel with the posts from the County Executive’s social media team? Get some sunlight, reinforce friendships, call your grandparents. 

  • Health and wellbeing.
  • Preventing and reducing social isolation and loneliness
A community can’t truly thrive if a certain portion of its population are undervalued and allowed to fall by the wayside. Sometime we forget how truly interconnected we are. We are easily overwhelmed by local needs that feel insurmountable. We don’t think we have the knowledge or skills to make a difference. Where to begin?

Okinawa? Sardinia? Ikaria? Norwich? What about Howard County?

Get outside, meet up with a friend, call your grandparents.

Start small. Keep going.

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