Sunday, February 11, 2024

Beautiful Soup

BEAUTIFUL Soup, so rich and green,

Waiting in a hot tureen!

Who for such dainties would not stoop?

Soup of the evening, beautiful Soup!

Soup of the evening, beautiful Soup!

Beau- ootiful Soo-oop!

Beau- ootiful Soo-oop!

Soo- oop of the e- e- evening,

Beautiful, beautiful Soup!

Beautiful Soup! Who cares for fish,

Game, or any other dish?

Who would not give all else for two

Pennyworth only of Beautiful Soup?

Pennyworth only of beautiful Soup?

Beau- ootiful Soo-oop!

Beau- ootiful Soo-oop!

Soo- oop of the e- e- evening,

Beautiful, beauti- FUL SOUP!

- - Lewis Carroll

Well, it’s lucky for us it isn’t just “soup of the evening” at the Common Kitchen in Clarksville, but, all day as well. This weekend they are celebrating Souper Bowl Weekend and it is going on until 8 pm tonight. I went yesterday around lunchtime.

First of all, I want to clarify something in case this reminds you of another longstanding HoCoLocal event.  This is not “Souper Sundae”, a charitable initiative to raise funds for Grassroots which has been held in recent years at Wilde Lake High School. This is a celebration of soup for soup’s sake, with a little extra fun thrown in.

When you arrive you’ll be prompted to pick up a soup menu which explains exactly what the soups are and where they are located. (It also gives you one free raffle ticket just for walking in the door.) For my first soup I picked the Potato Leek from GuiGui’s Kreyol Flavors. As I was not ordering the vegan option, they finished it with a touch of cream. It was soothing and heavenly.

It also came with another raffle ticket. You put your name and phone number on the back. 

Next I went over to the Taco Joint to order some of the Birria Ramen I keep seeing people rave about on social media. 

Wow, is this stuff good! They made sure to ask me whether I wanted the onions and cilantro on top. I did. They also offered hot sauce, which I declined because I wanted to experience it in its original form first. I will be back for more of this. It could easily become an obsession.

Oh yes, another raffle ticket, too.

I grabbed a large iced coffee from Trifecto and asked them what to do with the raffle tickets. They directed me to a table to the right of their counter.

So, I dropped mine in and I’m hoping for the best. Here’s a closer look at what I might win. 

I need to stop and comment about the customer service at the Common Kitchen yesterday. It was over-the -top good. Like: fine dining good. While I’ve never had truly bad service there, yesterday was exceptional. It was a great day at the Common Kitchen. All kinds of people were there enjoying the food and drinks, picking up takeaway food, or hanging out, catching up with family and friends. If the folks who created the Common Kitchen had popped in yesterday, I think they would have been proud. 

Another interesting side effect of having an event like this: I went to vendors I had never been to before and left feeling that I had “established contact” with them, if you will. Next time I go there I’ll be more likely to order from them. I know who they are now. 

Funny how that works. It turns out that soup can be a great way to meet people.

Let me know if you go/have already gone and what soups you tried. Don’t think you’ll bore me. I always have time for soup.