Sunday, September 22, 2024

A Sunday Treat

There are those whose fantasy Sundays involve lying in bed with good coffee, fresh bagels, and the New York Times. But you can have it better than that. Today’s Sunday came in with a splash with the newest edition of The Merriweather Post blog:

TMP September 2024 Development News Roundup, Jeremy Dommu, the Merriweather Post 

Depending on your views on Downtown Columbia development, there’s lots here to enjoy, be concerned by, exclaim over, or just consume like popcorn (which is what I did.) I’ve just done a quick preliminary read through so I’m not attempting any serious analysis. But it’s definitely worth the read. 

It’s a whole heck of a lot of Columbia information in one place.

I will say that it sent me googling one particular Dutch word which rang a bell but isn’t part of my everyday vocabulary.

There is one topic I will wade into this morning and that’s Dommu’s description of The Jerk Wars.* With all due respect, no serious discussion of Jerk cuisine in Columbia/HoCo is complete without acknowledging Althea’s Almost Famous. I’ve been enjoying Althea’s delicious offerings since 2022 when I popped down to the Oakland Mills Village Center to visit her food truck. 

Try It, You’ll Like It! , Village Green/Town² 

A quick search shows that I have written about or at least mentioned Althea’s more than a dozen times on the blog and I am crushed that I clearly haven’t made a dent on Mr. Dommu. 

All kidding aside, I hope that he (and my readers) will avail themselves of the opportunity to try food from Althea’s Almost Famous in the near future. Going to the Hops and Harvest Festival at Merriweather Park at Symphony Woods on October 12th? She’ll be there!

A tip of the hat to Dommu for staying on top of and organizing this local information and sharing it with the rest of us. If you’d still rather have bagels and the New York Times, well, that’s okay too. 


Village Green/Town² Comments

*Perhaps inspired by The Baltimore Banner’s Italian Sub Wars

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