Wednesday, February 26, 2025



If you didn’t get a chance to read yesterday’s post, then I hope you will today. The topic means a lot to me.

If you are planning on participating in the economic boycott on Friday, then please don’t forget that the best places to make any *necessary* purchases are local small businesses, and especially Black-owned and minority- owned businesses. How you choose to spend your money will make a difference.

If it’s not the end of the world as we know it (hard to tell) then it might be good to mark your calendar for the Clarksville Commons Spring Preview Farmers’ Market this Saturday from 9 am to 1 pm. (Note the time change.) I hear there will be EGGS. If that’s a motivating factor, come early. I’m not seeing any rain in the forecast and I hope that holds. 

If you need some inspiration/encouragement, then I recommend a list of positive things you can do (or may already be doing) from the Non-Profit AF website. Many of these have local applications, from “Pay attention to local needs” to “Meet your neighbors (if you haven’t already done so).”

Everyday actions you can take to keep the world kind, just, and joyful amidst the rise in hate and bigotry, Non-Profit AF

If you’d like to know the happiest I’ve been in a while it would have to be yesterday while driving around town running errands. The sky was blue, the sun was shining, and I had one of those “I love where I live” moments. Something about a day like that after so much cold and miserable weather feels like an occasion to be celebrated. A slice of joy, no matter how small, is food for the soul.

If you have something to say on the current state of “if” we are living through, or anything about today’s post, please respond in the comments. 

Village Green/Town² Comments

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