Monday, October 21, 2024

One Hundred Years and Other Good News

If you need a little good news to help you ease into your Monday, may I suggest:

Columbia barbershop marks 100 years of haircuts — and mentoring Black barbers, Jess Nocera, Baltimore Banner 

Photo credit Jessica Gallagher, The Baltimore Banner

It’s a beautiful and thorough piece about Warren’s Barber Shop in the Owen Brown Village Center. Warren's is the first Black-owned barbershop in Howard County. And no, nothing in Columbia is a hundred years old, obviously. You’ll have to read the story to learn more about their roots. 

The Village of Owen Brown doesn’t pop up in the news all that often. Although, over last year or so it has been a pretty happening place. The Department of Recreation and Parks has worked with the community to fine tune plans for a new East Columbia Library Park, and the new East Columbia 50+ Center received the “Large Project of the Year Award” , awarded by the County Engineers Association of Maryland (CEAM). 

And, while it may not make the news, the Owen Brown Interfaith Center hosts a number of community events all throughout the year. I would hazard a guess that the Interfaith Center’s capacity for meeting and event space brings many people to Owen Brown who would never have come there otherwise. 

The Unitarian Universalist Congregation maintains a Free Pantry which is kept stocked with both non-perishables and produce throughout the year. This “no questions asked” initiative supports Owen Brown neighbors who are experiencing food insecurity. 

Image from UU Columbia website 

Wait. Did I forget to mention that the Library has installed a solar panel canopy in the parking lot?

Images courtesy of A. MacDonald 

Oh! And the 50+ Centers will now be open on Saturday mornings. (That includes the East Columbia one, yay.)

Have a wonderful Monday. Have any local news? Let me know.

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Fair Weather/Fall Frolics


Friends, may I present today’s weather predictions for Columbia, Maryland:

Image from Weather Bug App, 10/20/2024

This is an especially good thing, since two local events which had to be scrapped due to bad weather are rescheduled for today. 

Over in Wilde Lake (aka Vibrant Wilde Lake) they are actually hosting two events back to back. Beginning at noon it’s Wilde Lake Fall Fest. 

Join us for a fantastic day of fun at the Wilde Lake Fall Festival! Celebrate the season with the community on Sunday, October 20, 2024, from 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM at Wilde Lake Park. There’s something for everyone: live music, local vendors, delicious food, trick-or-treating, and family-friendly activities. Kids will love the moonbounces, scarecrow spoon craft, and exciting games! It’s the perfect way to kick off the fall season. Don’t miss out—be part of the #VibrantWildeLake fun! RSVP HERE!

This event is free and open to the public but they’re asking you to register in advance. (See link above.)

Immediately following at four PM is Wilde Lake’s Walktober event.

Join the Wilde Lake Neighborhood Reps on Sunday, Oct. 20 at 4PM for a Walktober event at Wilde Lake Park! Choose to participate in a friendly walk around Wilde Lake (approximately 1.3 miles) or "share a bench" to get to know a neighbor.

There is no charge to attend and this event is open to all. Please join us as we seek to build community and health in our village!

True confession: I’m having some mobility issues right now and a Walktober event where I could “share a bench” is mighty tempting. I love this kind of creative thinking which expands the parameters of who is welcome to participate.

Also rescheduled for today, the Columbia Orchestra Pops Concert at the Chrysalis (Merriweather Park at Symphony Woods) beginning at 4:00 PM.

Presented by BWFA, this free, family-friendly performance by the Columbia Orchestra is the perfect way to spend a beautiful evening outdoors enjoying music in the park.

Don’t miss this fun and exciting musical journey filled with possibilities as the Columbia Orchestra performs a captivating program of popular pops melodies for all ages, including thrilling themes from classics like "Star Wars" and "Mission: Impossible."

The program also includes beloved jazz standards such as Duke Ellington's swinging "Just Squeeze Me" and the dreamy ballad "So Many Stars." Bring a blanket and enjoy this delightful musical journey through galaxies both near and far!

Register for your free tickets here

The Pops Concert has been a fixture of each season in the Park since it opened in 2017. The ongoing collaboration between the Columbia Orchestra and the Inner Arbor Trust has produced some lovely musical events. I hope there will be many more.

I intend to be at this concert but several logistical problems are conspiring against me. Here’s hoping.

Village Green/Town² Comments

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Freedom to Read


HCPSS Media Specialists were suprised this week to discover a note in their work email wishing them a Happy National School Librarian Day. If you thought they were surprised since National School Librarian Day is in April and not October, you’d be partly right. 

But what really made them scratch their heads was who sent the email: Trent Kittleman, a candidate for the Board of Education, District 5.

Image used with permission.

Thank you Media Staff!

Dear HCPSS Media staff:

Shoutout to all the superheroes behind the shelves!

Happy #NationalSchoolLibrarianDay

Dear Media staff,

I am truly thankful for the dedication, hard work, and commitment you show in providing first-class media centers to all our students --including my five grandchildren!

Trent Kittleman

Candidate for Board of Education, District 5

There are several reasons why this email is puzzling if not downright troubling. It appears to violate accepted boundaries for ethical campaigning. Teachers are being solicited at their place of business by someone who, if elected, would have substantial influence over their professional lives. We have rules that govern what candidates can and cannot do. They can’t place campaign signs on school property, for instance, or actively campaign on school grounds.

Sending a campaign email directly to media specialists at work looks an awful lot like campaigning on school grounds to me.

How do I know it’s meant to be a campaign email? This:

Used with permission 

The email closes with information about participating in early voting and contains the campaign information at the bottom.

For many folks a run for the Board of Education is their first experience with politics and election rules. Sometimes they run afoul of things like sign placing and need to be brought up to speed when it comes to what is and isn’t appropriate. Ms. Kittleman, the veteran of many political campaigns both locally and statewide, can’t be confused with a newcomer. That’s what makes this email so unsettling.

And there’s one more thing. 

Kittleman is well known locally as an early supporter of the Howard County Moms 4 Liberty Group, withdrawing her membership only when deciding to run for BOE. M4L has a national reputation ( and in Howard County, too) for attacking the professional expertise of school librarians/media specialists and demanding the removal of materials they don’t like from school library collections.

In short, M4L has made it their business to undermine intellectual freedom in schools and denigrate the professional ability of school librarians. If you’ve watched any BOE meetings recently, you’ve seen how they operate. They don’t call media specialists the “Superheroes Behind the Shelves”. They call them “groomers” and “woke indoctrinators.”

A vote for Ms. Kittleman to sit on the Howard County Schools Board of Education is a vote for that. Therefore, soliciting the votes of these HCPSS teachers whose field of expertise has already been subjected to such negative and almost threatening scrutiny could very well be interpreted as offensive. Or disingenuous. 

I most certainly cannot explain it. 

If you live in District 5 I’d suggest you go look up her opponent Andrea Chamblee  and learn all you can before casting your vote.

Some good news for today. October 19th is Freedom to Read Day of Action.

Librarians nationwide are facing verbal abuse, death threats, and, in some cases, even criminal charges and jail time. As bastions of intellectual freedom, public libraries are at the forefront of this battle. On October 19, New York City will join our counterparts across the country to stand up for free, unfettered access to information. Upholding diverse perspectives and a broad range of ideas is not only essential to the core mission of libraries, but to our democracy. - - from the American Library Association article on Freedom to Read Day of Action

Throughout the country, Freedom to Read Day of Action is hosting more than 100 events in 35 states to take action to support libraries and to push back against book bans. I haven’t found any events specifically in Howard County. (If you know of any, let me know.)  I do know that one of the best ways to support the freedom to read right now to is to vote for candidates up and down the ballot who have a proven track record of supporting libraries and intellectual freedom. 

That includes how you vote in the Board of Education race. Early Voting begins October 24th, 

Village Green/Town² Comments

Friday, October 18, 2024

F ³: They Paved Paradise

There’s quite a lively conversation going on over at the Columbia MD Reddit on the theme:

The worst parking lots in Columbia.

After reading many responses filled with heartfelt frustration I began to wonder. Is there such a thing as a good parking lot? An excellent parking lot? Can you think of a place you look forward to visiting because the parking lot is just that good? 

Don’t limit yourself to HocoLocal examples. I’m thinking of parking lots everywhere. 

Parking lots have to be designed by somebody. There’s clearly a range of expertise involved. Has anyone ever designed a parking lot of such intrinsic excellence that they won awards for it? Where does the budget come from for parking lots? Do they often get the short end of the stick when funds are allocated?

The public can be persnickety when it comes to parking preferences, and I admit to being one of them. When I lived in Rodgers Forge I got to a point where I wouldn’t shop at the Towson Mall at all if I couldn’t get parking in the exact location I liked best. That area was 1) more convenient to my needs and 2) I’d never forget where I parked.

Yes, I realized that was self-limiting. Perhaps I didn’t really need to shop in the Mall all that much after all.

Even if you are not daunted by walking long distances, it’s likely you wouldn’t pick parking lots as the place you’d want to do that. Large expanses of pavement with few protections for pedestrians in a sea of hopefully roving automobiles aren’t the settings that entice me, anyway. I feel like a wrote a post once proposing that regular shuttles might be a solution in sprawling shopping centers like Columbia Crossing. Park once, then easily travel from business to business without needing to move your car.

(It hints at Public Transportation. Therefore it probably won’t catch on.)

I learned from the thread on Reddit that ingress/egress and resulting traffic play a big role in the parking lot situation as well. It doesn’t matter how much you like the business if you get snarled up both coming and going. You’ll probably find an establishment you like almost as much if going there doesn’t take years off your life. 

So, here’s your assignment. What’s the very best parking lot you’ve ever visited and why? Or do you think the whole concept of parking lots is inherently flawed and it’s not possible to make a good one? Are they merely ugly examples of our car-dependent culture?

If we started giving awards for the best parking lots would other parking lots want to improve in order to snag public recognition?

What do you think?

Village Green/Town² Comments

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Pick Your Pleasure

Maybe you’re a pumpkin spice person or maybe you’re a mulled cider person. What ever your preference, I think it’s safe to say that Fall weather is making itself known and it may very well be time to put away the last of the summer clothes and pull out some sweaters or comfy hoodies. 

Maybe. We know how quirky Maryland weather can be.

Speaking of pumpkin….are you a pumpkin carving person or a pumpkin painting person? I’ve done both. After years of encouraging squeamish preschoolers to stick their hands into pumpkin guts for the sensory experience, I’m certainly not afraid to get my hands dirty. But a whole lot of glitter paints (and maybe even glow in the dark?) can be fun, too.

Why do I ask? Well, I noticed that Tribos Peri Peri in Ellicott City is doing their free pumpkin carving again this year.

From Tribos Peri Peri Instagram 

Join us at Tribos Peri Peri Ellicott City for spooktacular evenings of creativity all month long!
Enjoy free pumpkin carving-bring your own tools or use ours! Carve your own jack-o-lantern and take it home to brighten up your neighborhood.
Whether you're channeling your inner artist or looking for a fun family activity, we've got you covered with delicious food and no clean-up hassle!
Every Thursday from 5 PM to 8 PM
until Halloween! Offer is at the Tribos Peri Peri Ellicott City location only. Call 410-720-2448
to RSVP!

Below are some photos from last year’s events. I’m almost tempted to dive in, myself.

Yes, I’ve written about Tribos before. We discovered them on the Fourth Of July in 2023 and just keep coming back. The food and service are excellent and the owner and his family have been very kind to us. 

If you haven’t been there yet, they are located across from Waterloo Elementary School, near where Eggspectation used to be. Or, to be precise:

Today’s Thursday, so - - if you want to get in on this pumpkinpalooza, give them a call to reserve your spot.

And now, for something completely different:

Here’s an event which is definitely not kid friendly and it’s not in Howard County. But it’s absolutely, positively Halloween-themed.

Image from Monarque social media 

A sinfully sweet Halloween awaits you at Monarque 

Join us for a night of interactive entertainment, a prix fixe menu, Sweet Gwendoline cocktails and much more. 

Reserve your seat

From the Open Table Listing:

Join us for a tantalizing event in partnership with Sweet Gwendoline Gin! Monarque will be celebrating Halloween in style with intimate discoveries, interactive entertainment, and burlesque on the main stage. Join us early in the evening for a three course meal, two Sweet Gwendoline cocktails, and the full range of wicked entertainment. Then slide through the secret passage to Elk Room for a wild afterparty!  Delight and Bewitch is an event for guests 21 years of age and over.

Monarque is located on Fleet Street in Harbor East.

Why am I sharing this here? It’s simple. The event is the brainchild of former HoCo Blogger HoCoHouseHon. Those personal connections  carry a lot of weight around here.

What’s your favorite Fall and/or Halloween tradition in HoCo? Let me know.

 Village Green/Town² Comments 

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Racism Mars Community Conversations


I’m about to make a claim for which I have no scientific proof. You have been warned.

Nobody who has read this news is happy about it:

Howard County Police arrest teen, charge him with first-degree murder in weekend shooting, Abby Zimmardi, Baltimore Banner

Or, to be more precise, every response I have seen on social media has been expressed with varying degrees of anger, fear, sadness, and frustration. At long last, Howard County can agree on something.

That’s where the agreement ends, however. Where we diverge is in how we respond, how and if we want to lay blame, or what we think should be done next. I can safely say that some folks want to lay blame a whole lot more than they want to entertain viable solutions.

In reviewing three of those online conversations/threads, I wasn’t surprised to see that some used this inicident as an open door to spew all kinds of racist nonsense and glaringly obvious dogwhistles. The sheer enthusiasm of this kind of online behavior looks less like community concern and more like children on a holiday trip to the amusement park. Perhaps these commenters generally keep their racism under wraps during day-to-day exchanges but, wow - - give them an excuse and the floodgates are opened.

It’s sad. And I would feel sad if it didn’t make me so angry.

It is possible to discuss this topic and not spew racism. I know this because I read through another local online conversation where there was plenty of deep feeling and disagreement but not one incident where racist words were used. 

The third conversation was primarily straightforward with a few unhelpful comments. Other commenters called out the racism when they saw it.

It is possible. It is possible to talk about this deeply disturbing incident which combines crime, violence, guns, schools, and students without using it as a free pass to be racist.

Not only is this behavior just plain wrong it also does nothing to address the problems that we, as a community, need to address. In fact, it makes them even harder to solve.

If it isn’t possible for you than maybe you should take a hard look in the mirror.

Village Green/Town² Comments 

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Drink up, HoCo!

The Baltimore Banner ran a brief piece yesterday about Howard County seasonal cocktails. 

What’s on tap in Howard County this fall? Sip into the season with autumn-inspired drinks, Claire Duarte, The Columbia Mom for the Baltimore Banner

I don’t know exactly how these sorts of arrangements work. I don’t think that Claire Duarte works for the Banner in the traditional sense. She’s an independent content creator with an emphasis on advertising and marketing. You can find her on Facebook and Instagram

Also, she’s not to be confused with Kris Schneider of Howard County Moms  which is a Facebook group focused on community. Both women were written up in the Baltimore Sun in April. Alas, I no longer have access to that article. The Columbia Mom page is pushing content out, whereas Howard County Moms engages group members in community-oriented conversations around local opportunities and events. Both share relevant local information; the way they do it and what they are aiming for differs.

Schneider was also written up by the Sun in 2017 if you are able to see that. (So far I don’t regret cancelling my subscription to the Sun when it comes to their current coverage. I do miss having access to past material.) 

But I digress: the topic was cocktails, yes? Duarte’s piece reminded me of the time I was fortunate enough to attend a media evening introducing Cured/18th and 21st. One of the restauranteurs who spoke to us talked about the evolution of the new restaurant concept, and how he had carried around an idea for a new cocktail specifically for 18th and 21st “in his back pocket” for a very long time. It was the first time I had thought about the creative process as it pertained to beverages.

And it is creative. Possibly even an art. 

Reading this piece in the Banner brought to mind an article I’d like to read: what are the local establishments that have the best alcohol-free options: creative mocktails, NA beers and wines? That would be strong selling point for me, as most visits I make to restaurants include a mix of drinkers and non-drinkers. When I choose a location for a family gathering or birthday meal, I want to be confident that the options for everyone in the party are equally appealing and imaginative.

To be honest, most places we’ve been consider themselves accommodating if they offer one alcohol-free beer. 

More and more people are choosing to live sober or to choose alcohol-free options from time to time for any number of reasons. Hopscotch Bottle Shop in Fells Point/Baltimore opened in response to the growing sober and sober-curious market. Here in Howard County local nonprofit Sobar has brought appealing alcohol-free options into the mainstream at area events and festivals. 

So where are HoCo commercial establishments promoting their Fall mocktails? Seasonal NA brews? Alcohol-free wines that pair perfectly with their new seasonal menu? 

I wonder if the hospitality industry is operating under the assumption that alcohol is for everyone, alcohol-free is for a small, specialized group. Who are you going to pitch to? Not the small, specialized group, I guess.

There’s also a financial aspect. There’s a huge markup on alcohol and that’s where a lot of businesses really make their money. Customers are used to the idea that it’s the alcohol in the drink that makes it expensive, so they balk at an alcohol-free beverage carrying the same price tag. But when those drinks are made with creativity, care, and high quality ingredients, they aren’t cheap to produce. Asking restaurants to willingly lose money is a hard sell.

Asking restaurant patrons to change their mindsets about the cost of their drinks can be, too.

Questions of the day: 

1. Do you have any favorite fall drinks of any variety?

2. Have you had any exceptionally good alcohol-free beverages in Howard County? Downtown Columbia, even? 

Let me know.

Village Green/Town² Comments