Friday, July 26, 2024



Over the past few weeks I have found myself going online to ask for advice more than once. 

I have pain in the back of my thigh but it’s not sciatic. What could it be? What should I do?

Where’s a trustworthy local place to sell gold jewelry?

My car’s check engine light just came on. Where should I take it? 

Any book recommendations for children’s novels which will help me keep the stress of current events at bay?

There’s a word for this kind of social media interaction. It’s called crowdsourcing. 

Crowdsourcing: the practice of obtaining needed services, ideas, or content by soliciting contributions from a large group of people and especially from the online community rather than from traditional employees or suppliers. - - Merriam Webster 

Now, obviously, when an individual like me goes online to find a trustworthy mechanic or the best place to find a root beer snowball it is a far cry from the process described above. It is more like asking one’s neighbor over the fence, but in an expanded sort of way. We’re not going to use our friends and acquaintances as sources to be mined in order to create a product we can sell.

We just need help.

In a similar way, Buy Nothing Groups create a community where folks can connect to share physical items and/or requests for assistance within a specific geographic location. Again, members aren’t looking to market a product or sell goods or services. They just need help, either to part with things they no longer need or want or to find the thing they do need or want. 

As odd as it may seem, people look to be every bit as happy to be able to fulfill someone else’s need as they are to find the thing that they want. Sometimes moreso. And there’s a special kind of joy involved in finding just the right person to take something that you have really cared about but that you realize you must now part with.

It’s almost like matchmaking.

So, we all need help sometimes. But we also feel good about being asked for help, or at least for our good advice. This is why those questions about “why is my car making this noise?” get so many responses. They appeal to our desire to be helpful, not to mention that innate yearning to share our own personal experiences. 

Now, a question like “Who will help tow my car out of a ditch?” is not at all the same thing. That’s the sort of heavy-duty request that you’d ask your immediate family or close friends. “Who should I call to tow my car out of a ditch?” Will get you a list of local recommendations plus the pros and cons of each one.

It may also get you a private message from a friend offering to come pull you out. But this is not to be expected. It’s a bonus.

I suppose there is a sort of unspoken etiquette to these things. At least, I know there are certain topics I wouldn’t pose to my Facebook or Twitter feed: too personal, too sad, too enormous, too controversial. Your own assessments might be different. It depends on your boundaries and your own circle of online friends. It’s safe to say that a question like “Who will rid me of this meddlesome priest?” is just as bad an idea on social media as it was in 1170

What about you? Have you ever used social media to gather information or advice in order to get help or make a decision? Did you learn anything useful? Or would you rather ask personal friends directly rather than putting it out there for the world to see?

Let me know. 

Village Green/Town² Comments

Thursday, July 25, 2024


Today’s topic of discussion comes from Howard Community College.

Howard Community College Professor, Howard County Police partner to reduce use-of-force interactions

Howard Community College Criminal Justice Assistant Professor Eric L. Clark, a retired United States Marshals Service employee who developed the E.A.S.E program during his service in the agency, encourages using effective communication to decompress tensions, minimize physical force, and achieve productive detention, investigatory, and custodial outcomes with the public.

Did you know that HCC was on Substack? Now you do. I just subscribed.

Criminal Justice Assistant Professor Eric L. Clark, image from HCC social media 

You can hear Clark talk about the E.A.S.E. protocol in two short videos.

1. HCC Pathways

2. HCC Facebook page

The second video goes into the specifics of what E.A.S.E. teaches, step by step.

Image from lecture PowerPoint, HCC social media

Clark is partnering with the Howard County Police to teach these de-escalation techniques. Furthermore, he sees broader applications for the program.

We want a Police Institute at HCC where we can train the rest of the state on these de-escalation techniques.

I honestly didn’t know until now that one could study Criminal Justice at HCC so this is all new to me. I have a few thoughts.

1. How does this work when the person in question is in a mental health crisis? Or if they are autistic or developmentally disabled? Is that a part of this training? Because the process Clark lays out is going to be profoundly altered by those possibilities.

2. How does this work when it is the law enforcement officer who needs de-escalating?

3. Does this (and can this) address the ongoing pattern of racist violence against Black Americans at the hands of law enforcement officers? 

DOJ will investigate Sonya Massey shooting, Sean Crawford, NPR Illinois

Sonya Massey called police because she feared for her own safety and one of the responding offices shot her to death in her own home. A preliminary investigation into that officer’s service record shows a pattern of violence from job to job.

How do you de-escalate that?

I am not discounting Clark or the work that he is doing. I don’t know anywhere near enough to pass any judgement whatsoever. But I despair of a criminal justice system that continues to produce outcomes that leave a trail of death in the Black community. That’s never going to be acceptable.

Who de-escalates the de-escalators? 

Village Green/Town² Comments 

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Searching for Serendipity

The other day I bumped into a social media post that got me wondering.

If someone is missing a large rooster, he is near serendipity. He ran off into the bushes when he saw me get out off my car to take a picture. 

“Near serendipity?”

Is that a state of being? Like almost ecstatic? Approaching nirvana?

According to Merriam Webster, serendipity is defined as:

1. the faculty or phenomenon of finding valuable or agreeable things not sought for
2. also : an instance of this

Hmm…somehow I doubted that was the case for this particular rooster. I started searching “serendipity” as a place name instead. Perhaps the name of a street or a subdivision? It turned out to be neither. 

This is Serendipity. Oh, wait. I think I’ve passed that building.

Images from Serendipity social media 

Serendipity describes itself as a “quaint, independent boutique offering women's clothes, jewelry, gifts & home decor items.” They are located at 12798 MD-216 in Highland. As I recall they are at the corner of 108 and 216. 

I had a hazy recollection of reading they were going to be closing soon? Wait, here it is. Twin sisters, Pam Ehrenfried and Penny Schmit, have operated Serendipity for fifteen years and were looking for a new owner for the business. A recent update:

We have a buyer for our store (yay) but she will not be taking over until January.  Penny and I will keep Serendipity running until then.  What this means…. We are in Atlanta right now buying for the store.  Christmas will be just like we’ve always done and we are buying new merchandise and restocking existing merchandise.  Please bear with us during this process, we have a lot of work to do.  Our 30% off sale is now over.  For now our hours will remain the same and we will keep you updated when they change.  

Perhaps our rooster friend was hoping to take advantage of that 30 per cent off sale. 

So I solved the mystery of Serendipity but I still have one question. Where did the rooster come from? According to a quick internet search, roosters are not permitted in Howard County.

Residents living in a detached, single-family house may keep up to 8 chickens.  No roosters are allowed.  The yard must be 10,000 square feet or larger.  The coop must be at least 15 feet from all lot lines and 50 feet from all neighbors’ houses.  Additional rules apply.

But those are residential rules and Highland is more rural. Maryland certainly has plenty of information on raising poultry on their agricultural website so I’m assuming that this falls under regulations I’m just not familiar with. 

On the other hand, perhaps he’s an illegal rooster looking for a disguise so he can travel around the county incognito. Howard County already has a Roving Radish. Why not a Roaming Rooster?

Village Green/Town² Comments 

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Save It For a Rainy Day


We haven’t had much rain lately. Well, yesterday’s downpour notwithstanding. But here come this week's weather predictions.

Everyone loves to make lists these days - - best place for live music, best location to see the fireworks, best local cheesesteak - - but what we don’t have is a list of the best HoCoLocal things to do when it rains. 

Let’s make one.

Best things to do with kids when it rains. Best places to watch the rain. Best places to dance in the rain.

You get the idea. 

What are your favorite Howard County hangouts when your outdoor plans get washed out? I once attended a summer concert (Beatlegras, Columbia Festival of the Arts) under a tent at Belmont as a storm moved in and it was a memorable experience. The tent was fine, we didn’t get wet, and the musicians just kept right on playing. 

Send me your rainy day (and night) recommendations. They may very well come in handy for the rest of us this week. 

Village Green/Town² Comments 

Monday, July 22, 2024

The Face of Howard County

I don’t have much to offer you this morning except a glimpse of our community that I would rather not have encountered.

Here you see a social media post from the Howard County Heath department promoting mental health.

Mental Health Tip: Celebrate your successes! Even if you've accomplished something small, acknowledging the process you've made on a goal can boost your mood. For mental health support and tips, visit: .

The accompanying photo, probably a stock photo, is of a young Muslim woman wearing hijab. 

The response to the post?

This is not the face of Howard County!

“Why?” I wonder. Because it is a young woman, or because she is asking for help to support her mental health? Is that why this is not the face of Howard County? 

I doubt that.

In all likelihood this response is purely an objection to the choice of a Muslim woman in a social media post in Howard County, Maryland. A quick scan of this poster’s account suggests that they would object not only to her religion but would have made an assumption that she doesn’t belong, that she isn’t a “real American.”

It continues to floor me how many people in Howard County get uncomfortable if the people being centered on social media and in the community don’t look like them. 

Oh, but this is just one person, you say. You are making a big deal over one local troll.

Friends, it is not just one person. There is far more of this out there than you might imagine. And attitudes like this make people - - the ones who are targeted as “other” - - less safe. Attitudes that paint all Muslims as terrorists, or all Black people as criminals. No wonder this hypothetical young woman needs mental health supports. She lives in a community where some feel free to label her as someone who doesn’t belong.

So, what is the face of Howard County? Who is the face of Howard County?

Who decides?

Village Green/Town² Comments 


Sunday, July 21, 2024

It’s National Ice Cream Day!


I did not know. 

In 1984, President Ronald Reagan proclaimed July as National Ice Cream Month and established National Ice Cream Day as the third Sunday in July. - - National Day Calendar

Why do I feel that the National Dairy Council had something to do with this? Just a hunch.

Here in Howard County you have a variety of options if you are interested in observing National Ice Cream Day. 

Of course you have well-known chains such as Baskin-Robbins, Rita’s, and Cold Stone Creamery. The Meadows Frozen Custard, located in the Hickory Ridge Village Center, is technically a part of a chain but this location is one of only two in Maryland. 

And don’t forget, Jason’s Deli provides an option of chocolate or vanilla soft-serve free with your meal if you are dining in. 

For the indie ice cream options you have your choice of:

Unusual Company (gelato)

If you have a hankering for the frozen delights you used to be able to get from Scoop & Paddle at Clarksville Commons, you’ll need to pay a visit to Martha’s Cafe in Halethorpe, where Scoop & Paddle is now in residence.

Visit Howard County has a page devoted to ice cream, believe it or not. And if you want to go farther afield, the state of Maryland has an entire Ice Cream Trail. Holy Cow! 


I asked readers for input on their favorite ice cream in HoCo. I received votes for Park Ridge Creamery in Ellicott City which serves Taharka Brothers ice cream (made nearby in Baltimore.) Other votes were for Cindy’s Soft Serve in Elkridge and Brusters in Glen Burnie. That last one is rather far afield for this post but Brusters is opening a HoCo location on July 23rd. 

Special mention given for The Snowball Stand in Woodbine which apparently serves perennial Disney favorite Dole Whip.  It was described to me as follows: 

It’s a non-dairy soft serve that originally was just pineapple, but now there are a number of other fruit flavors. I’ve seen mango, strawberry, watermelon, lime. The Snowball Stand publishes their in-stock flavors on their Facebook page.

Last but not least, a story I’ve been saving for just the right occasion. This report comes from a long time friend of the blog: 

Something I thought you could appreciate. I was sitting in my truck at the Merriweather District eating my butter pecan from The Charmery while scrolling the radio dial, and I stumbled on 105.5 FM. 

It’s the Symphony of Lights music and announcements channel, playing all year apparently. It came in with a bit of static, but Dr. Ball welcomed me to the show, and I got to hear Bing Crosby and Mariah Carey while I enjoyed my frozen treat.

This was in March. I wonder if you can still catch a bit of Christmas in July with your ice cream? It’s worth a try.

What’s your favorite place to get ice cream in HoCo?

*Yes, it’s really part of a chain but for some reason it is viewed locally as a mom and pop. Go figure. 

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Not So Hot

Looking for events? You know the drill. It’s another summer Saturday and the weather predictions look fairly reasonable.


Movie at the Wine Bin:  Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny

At the Fairgrounds there’s a Christmas in July event both Saturday and Sunday. Personally I think Santa should get summers off.

As always, check out these resources for info on local events: Events on Facebook (Choose Local and This Week)  or take a look at the activity calendar at Visit Howard CountyThere’s also a new events calendar in town run by Ricardo Whitaker/Guilford Gazette. Check it out and see what you think. It’s called HoCo Calendar.

Apparently tomorrow is National Ice Cream Day.  Where will you be celebrating? I’m planning on making tomorrow’s post the All-HoCo Ice Cream Edition. Send me your recommendations!

Friday, July 19, 2024

F ³: The Face of God and the Presidential Election


The outpouring of appreciation yesterday from folks responding to the passing of comedian and actor Bob Newhart brought reminiscences of his most famous roles. For me it brought to mind the time that Newhart played God.

The Rebirth of Packy Rowe, Insight, Paulist Fathers, 1979

This is not meant to be an endorsement of the Paulist Fathers or the Roman Catholic Church but rather an appreciation for the acting of the two main characters, played by Newhart and Jack Klugman. 

Theatrical agent Packy Rowe has a low opinion of himself and what he's done with his life. He's in for a few surprises when he dies and meets God who thinks otherwise. (From the YouTube description)

I haven’t watched this in years and I’m sure I’d find things about it now that are less than optimal that I wouldn’t have noticed back then. For one thing, it’s very white-centric and that would’ve been invisible to me in 1979 or whenever it showed up in my television viewing. 

With all that being said…

What has stayed with me most is a moment when Jack Klugman’s character expresses his profound disbelief that the Newhart character could be God because he looks so “ordinary.” There’s nothing impressive about him. 

Here you see them: the recently deceased Packy Rowe and…God.

Newhart’s God is unfazed by this reception. You get the feeling he’s seen it all before. Then he explains, and I’m paraphrasing here:

“The Bible says God created mankind in His own image. Why do you think I made so many ordinary-looking people?” 


No matter how you feel about issues of spirituality or organized religion I think you can appreciate the interplay between the two characters and the brilliant acting that these two gentlemen brought to this piece. 

I’m going to take a leap here and reveal that this television drama is weighing heavily on my mind for more than the obvious reasons. 

This morning I’m thinking about people who demand that political candidates look impressive and take up space like Hollywood-produced superstars rather than assessing and appreciating true leadership and job performance. I’m appalled by a political system which is giving people with a lot of money a platform to overturn a season of Democratic primaries.

I’m disgusted by media operations that thrive on driving a story and forgo their responsibility to report and analyze the actual news and consequences of current events. Some perspective on past events wouldn’t hurt either. Maybe even some context?

Most of all I truly wish that these people who think they know everything would take a minute to ponder the possibility that they have completely missed the point. Does that ever happen?

Dear God in Heaven, I can only pray that it does. 


Village Green/Town² Comments 

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Better Late Than Never: A Few Things

Sorry I’m late. It took forever for me to get to sleep last night and my best sleep turned out to be from around 3:45 to 6:30. For me, that’s oversleeping.

A few things:

Have you taken this survey yet? The deadline is July 31st. I completed it yesterday. My unprofessional assessment is that is was a bit too long for me, but still doable. I absolutely hate long surveys. 

Racial Equity Perception Survey for Howard County Community Members is part of the work of the Howard County Office of Human Rights & Equity. If you are not following them already you can check them out on Facebook and Instagram.

There’s an article about new CA President Shawn MacInnes in the Baltimore Banner. 

One more thing: I read something recently that suggests to me that the Columbia Assocation Board will be considering some pretty major changes in CA’s relationship with the Villages. Has anyone out there been following this? Any opinions? 

Let me know.

Village Green/Town² Comments 

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

The Key Word is Public

The State of Maryland maintains a website specifically to inform the public about prominent garden locations throughout the state. It falls under their promotion of tourism. 

Gardens of Maryland 

In HoCo, the Howard County Conservancy is on the list. Their focus is, of course, primarily environmental. Other locations lean more historical, while some fit a more ‘traditional’ description of a public garden - - Brookside Gardens in Montgomery County, for instance. According to the American Public Gardens Association:

A public garden is an institution that maintains plants for the purposes of public education and enjoyment, in addition to research, conservation, and higher learning. It must be open to the public and the garden’s resources and accommodations must be made to all visitors.

That’s a broad enough definition to encompass a wider variety of places than I would have expected, which explains the variety in the State of Maryland’s list. I am realizing now that I assumed that public gardens were mostly synonymous with formal gardens.  Not so. From the definition above, the highest priority looks to be that the gardens be 1. open to the public and 2. truly accessible to everyone. 

Clearly I have more to learn about public gardens.

In April County Executive Calvin Ball announced the formation of a Public Gardens Work Group to begin the work of creating Howard County’s first official public garden at Longwood in Glenwood. The project falls under the leadership of Howard County Department of Recreation and Parks.

Image from Howard County Government 

Do you have ideas? Suggestions? Priorities that you hope they will keep in mind? Good! They want to hear from you. In fact, there’s a hybrid meeting this evening. From Rec and Parks:

Here's a reminder that we are still seeking community input for the design of Howard County’s first public garden. Join us at a focus group meeting on July 17 from 6-8pm at Department of Recreation & Parks’ Headquarters (7120 Oakland Mills Road, Columbia). Sign up to speak or submit your testimony now. Learn more:

If you can’t can't testify in person you can email testimony to:

The Longwood site has the potential to provide public spaces for aesthetic enjoyment as well as environmental education. Embedded within all those possibilities is the heavy burden of the history of the land itself as a “plantation” or forced labor camp for enslaved Africans. My highest priority for this site is that the resulting gardens place as high a value on the history as they do on the planting and maintaining of the natural environment.

What do you think?

Village Green/Town² Comments 

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

New Biz


National news is truly taking a lot of the wind out of my sails these days. Trying to focus on the local takes a lot of effort.

Okay, that’s enough of that. Here are three new local businesses you might be interested in:

New to me is a place called The Village Center. They describe themselves as both a family center and a wellness center. Located at 10203 Tanager Lane, Suite 102 in Columbia, they offer a range of services including massage and facials for adults and drop-in play and language classes for children. To my knowledge there’s no other business in HoCo that combines these elements under one roof.

Opening last weekend in Ellicott City is a place called Twin Thrift Vintage. I don’t mean Main Street Old Ellicott City, though. It’s closer to Glenelg.

I don’t understand this entirely, but it looks like Twin Thrift Vintage is a part of (or operating alongside) a business called Westwood Unique. They’re in a repurposed church building at 13554 Triadelphia Road. Twin Thrift Vintage describes its self as “Twins finding finds (vintage and pre-loved).” You can get a glimpse of their offerings on Etsy.

My last offering is a place that popped up yesterday in my Facebook feed. It’s called Boxcar Coffee. It’s a mobile business and right now it’s located at Twin Knolls Road in Columbia. (Think behind the Walgreens.)

Image from Boxcar Coffee social media 

There are a number of businesses/offices back in that little cul de sac, not to mention the Walgreens, where you can get many things but certainly not a cup of freshly made coffee. So that just might be a great little spot to draw potential customers.

True confession: one of the photos I saw yesterday showed this fellow's set up and I noticed that he had a musical instrument (maybe a guitar?) resting on a chair in the shade. I’m fascinated. Is this a musical coffee service? Or is coffee what a musician does between gigs?

I may need to stop by and find out. 

Any other new business I should know about?

Village Green/Town² Comments 

Monday, July 15, 2024

Are Mall Restrictions “Working”?

Have you been to the Mall lately? I have not, but my post-college kid stopped by after a recent visit and clearly takes a dim view of the curfew/chaperone rule. 

“I mean, it’s summer!”

I get the point. How many air conditioned spaces are there in town where teens can meet and socialize without a substantial financial outlay?

It’s not just a Columbia thing. The establishment and enforcement of these kinds of restrictions is happening in other nearby areas as well. This piece by Leslie Gray Streeter in the Baltimore Banner looks at what “mall life” meant to teens of her generation. 

Local malls are restricting teens. Gen X would never have survived. Leslie Gray Streeter, Baltimore Banner 

It’s more than a pure nostalgia piece, although it does provide a delicious glimpse into what made the mall such a magical place for Streeter and her contemporaries. I spent my teen years in a town without a mall and we certainly bemoaned the fact that there was “nowhere to go!” other than the library, the indoor mini golf, and the movies. 

Streeter also addresses changes in parenting styles and the advent of helicopter parenting. I noted that change myself when we attended college orientation for our youngest a few years back. The school held a special session just for parents. I was flabbergasted to learn that many parents expected that they’d hear from their college kids at least daily once they had gone away to school. 

Despite these societal changes, one person quoted in the piece notes that the kids who are now required to be chaperoned don’t behave a whole lot better than when they were on their own, and that the parents don’t seem to be doing much about that. Hmm.

I was glad to see that Ms. Streeter touched on this point:

Because of changes in retail, nobody — including kids — needs to shop in person at a mall to get what they want. But both Lehr and my sister think that if businesses respected the money that the young demographic spent, they might be less restrictive. “You think about whether the malls would be failing as much if they looked at these kids as actual consumers,” Lynne said, who added that she thinks some of these curfews and restrictions have a racial bias (as do I).

I agree, on both points. 1. Teens are undervalued as mall consumers and 2. these kinds of rules have their roots in racial bias.

The Mall Problem, Village Green/Town², February, 2023

Teens love and patronize malls with far more faithfulness than many adults. (Just Google the phrase “teens spend money at malls” if you’re curious.) If we respond to this situation by throwing more police and more restrictions at it, we are essentially developing exclusionary policies that place value on some people and devalue others. 

So we’ve been doing this for over a year now. What are the results? Is the Mall “safer”? Has there been an increase in business overall or has it declined? Are teens taking their dollars elsewhere? 

I’d love to know.

Village Green/Town² Comments 

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Making Plans

It’s Saturday and for some reason I have a bad attitude this morning about posting local events, possibly because the weather doesn’t look promising. But that doesn’t mean I should take it out on you. (Don’t say I haven’t warned you, though.)

But who knows? It might clear up.

Clark Elioak Farm is celebrating Fairy Days today and tomorrow. 

Photo from Clark’s Elioak Farm social media 

Sunflowers of Lisbon are having a special Final Weekend Sale: All you can pick flowers with general admission. 

Photo from Sunflowers of Lisbon social media 

There’s a fundraising event at Reckless Shepherd for the All Shepherd Rescue organization.

Image from Reckless Shepherd social media 

Ridgely’s Run Community Center is hosting a Yard Sale from 9 am to noon in Savage.

Out at the Howard County Fairgrounds you can visit the Native American Pow Wow both today and tomorrow. Learn more at Visit Howard County: Whispering Winds Pow Wow.

Image from Visit Howard County

And, of course, the markets:

Maple Lawn Farmers Market, Maple Lawn Boulevard, 9 am - 1 pm

Please note: the produce is IN at Freetown Farm, so it’s more than just plants. Frankly, there’s so much going on just with the Community Ecology Institute today I could do a post solely on their offerings. Check them out if you haven’t already. 

Have a wonderful Saturday whether you’re out and about or home reading a book. 

Friday, July 12, 2024


 A Tweet:

Dear people racialized as White:

When y'all say it's not a race thing, you've made it a race thing by rendering your racialized experiences invisible, which is indicative of how the race thing works. - - Deadric T. Williams,  @doc_thoughts

Last night I removed someone’s ability to comment on the blog. I do that very rarely. Generally it is for one of two reasons:

1. They verbally attack others who are commenting.
2. They verbally attack my family.

Yesterday’s commenter chose to go down the road of claiming that something wasn’t racism because they, a white person, said it wasn’t. This is just not going to fly with me, and I said as much. Their response was to persist at length and to become more belligerent.

Friends, I am willing to discuss a lot of things in the comments and I try mightily to make it a space where people can express more than one point of view. But I am not obliged to make space for white people attempting to control definitions of racism. I reject that. 

This is not because I think I know everything about racism. Absolutely not. It’s because I am clear that the place to look for wisdom on this topic is the Black people who have experienced it. Period.

I’m going to share this quote again:

The overwhelming majority of racism happens unintentionally, without white people’s knowledge. Racism is so engrained into our society’s infrastructure—indeed, at our nation’s social and economic foundation—white folks’ actions are often racist accidentally, even automatically. - - Johnathan Perkins, Director of Diversity and Inclusion, UCLA

So, in case there was any confusion about this - - I’m clearly articulating it today. Village Green/Town² is not obligated to provide a platform for white people who insist on defining what racism is or who attempt to control conversations about race at the expense of Black people. 

We have plenty of other things to talk about here.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Inspector Introspection


There’s something that’s been on my mind lately but I haven’t known exactly how to frame it. I’ve decided I’m just going to jump in anyway. You may have heard the County Council member Liz Walsh will be introducing legislation to create an Office of the Inspector General in Howard County.  You can learn more here.

Intellectually, it feels like supporting this is a common sense sort of thing to do. I mean, if the whole purpose if this office is to “investigate waste, fraud, and abuse” who could be against that, right?

But, the incident in 2023 with the Howard County auditor has left such a bad taste in my mouth that I find I have deep ambivalence about Ms. Walsh’s proposal.

The county auditor essentially ‘hid in the bushes’ (shielded himself from view) to spy on a library event because some internal ‘gut’ feeling motivated him to believe that Black women were not to be trusted and needed policing. By him and the powers of his office. 

Who Are the Real Lurkers?” Village Green/Town² February, 2023

If that’s what an Inspector General in Howard County is going to look like, I don’t want one. If I had not seen how this played out in the community, I probably would be the first to support Walsh’s proposal. I have followed the work of Inspector Generals in other jurisdictions with interest. Heck, I follow Baltimore City’s Inspector General on Twitter - - although largely for her photographic sunrise content. 

He used the powers of an official Howard County office to take actions that were deeply racist and based on racist assumptions, and caused unnecessary harm to the credibility of the library director, Tonya Aikens, and the Howard County Library system as a whole.

I am sure he’d deny my assessment of this and I’ve seen plenty of online supporters of his actions. As I noted at the time: 

The overwhelming majority of racism happens unintentionally, without white people’s knowledge. Racism is so engrained into our society’s infrastructure—indeed, at our nation’s social and economic foundation—white folks’ actions are often racist accidentally, even automatically. - - Johnathan Perkins, Director of Diversity and Inclusion, UCLA

So tell me. What are we going to do in the establishment of an Inspector General that will create a different outcome? I’m open to learning more. 

If it’s going to result in more white folks centering white folks and policing those that they see as “other”, then I’m not interested. Our community is full of way more than enough of that already.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Where I Found My Prize

I walked into the shop with a purpose. I was not there to browse or “noodle around” as my mother used to say. I was there to get one item, something that’s not widely available. And I had heard that this particular place kept it in stock. 

The small store was filled with interesting food items, many of which I had never seen before. A gentleman looked up from his work behind the meat counter.

I kept looking, walking up and down the aisles, scanning the shelves lined with brightly colored packages.

A moment later a man came to the main counter. “May I help you?” he asked.

“Do you have Quality Street? The chocolates?”

He smiled, and pointed me in the right direction. There they were, a stack of them in a display, their hexagonal purple tins gleaming. I felt as though I had won a prize, or found the treasure in a treasure hunt. These things are hard to find in the U.S.  Quality Street chocolates are made in the UK by Nestle and are an assortment of the following:

  • The Purple One (previously known as Hazel in Caramel) – Milk Chocolate filled with hazelnut and caramel (purple wrapper)
  • The Green Triangle (previously known as Noisette Triangle) – milk chocolate filled with hazelnut praline (green wrapper, foil)
  • Toffee Finger (gold wrapper, stick)
  • Strawberry Delight (red wrapper, circular)
  • Caramel Swirl (yellow wrapper, circular, foil)
  • Milk Choc Block (green wrapper)
  • Orange Chocolate Crunch (orange wrapper, octagonal, foil)
  • Orange Creme (orange wrapper)
  • Fudge (pink wrapper)
  • Coconut Eclair (blue wrapper)
  • Toffee Penny (gold wrapper, circular, no chocolate coating)
  • Coffee Creme (brown wrapper, available in certain stores)
“Did someone send you?” the clerk asked as he rang up my purchase. 

“Yes! My husband. It’s his birthday and he told me you had them.”

“Ahh…I just wondered. There’s another lady who comes in just for these. I thought maybe it was her.”

“My husband grew up in Northern Ireland. For him Quality Street is a taste of home.”

He smiled. “You know, people talk about these so much and I had never had any, so recently I tried some. They are good.”

“Thank you so much! My husband will be so happy.” 

So, where was the place that I was able to get my husband “chocolates from home”? Right here in the Thunder Hill neighborhood of Oakland Mills. It’s called the Banyam Halal Meat international grocery store.

Image from Oakland Mills Village social media 

Tucked in a quiet, leafy enclave of Columbia, Bamyan Halal Meat international grocery store is the area’s only Afghanistan-focused food market, Sultani says, specializing in goods from his home country and butchered, Halal-prepared meats. The next closest one is in Manassas, Virginia, more than 60 miles away.

(Mohammad Sultani) estimates that his store, which opened in 2021, carries about 3,500 items, from teas to the rolled rugs in the corner to dried fruits and nuts — an Afghan must for the household — in an ambitious effort to serve the community as a Halal butchering hub and food market. 

You can read more about the amazing journey that brought this establishment into existence in the following article from the Baltimore Banner.

I was so tickled to read this piece and learn more about how Sultani worked to bring the store to the community, especially since I had just been there. As you read it you will get a vivid sense of how hard immigrants must work to get a foothold in America and also what great contributions they are making as they put down roots in a new land.

Banyam Halal Meat international grocery store is located at 5134 Thunder Hill Rd Suit A, Columbia, MD 21045. (It’s in that little shopping center area with the Thunder Hill pool.)  Pay them a visit if you’re in the area. You’ll find so much more than British chocolates. 

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

But Who’s Counting?

In case you’re looking for something to do, the Maryland Department of Natural Resources would like to count turkeys. Wild Turkeys. (No, not the bourbon.)

PLEASE REPOST: If you see wild turkeys from July 1 through Aug. 31, please report them using this online form: The more sightings reported, the better the data we have to analyze. A summary of the results will be sent to everyone that submits data.

Image from Maryland DNR social media

I’ve heard of backyard bird counts, but…turkeys? It turns out that, in 2022,  Maryland started what is billed as “the first comprehensive study of wild turkeys ever conducted in the state. The 3-year research project aims to answer many questions about factors potentially impacting turkey populations.”

Groundbreaking Wild Turkey Research Set to Begin in Maryland, Maryland Department of Natural Resources, December, 2022

It seems that our wild turkey population is declining. Folks at the Maryland Department of Natural Resources would like to learn why so they can devise successful interventions to support these native birds. So if you see wild turkeys around HoCo this summer, you can help them out by reporting it here

Speaking of counting…

Local nonprofit Upcycled is celebrating 8000.

Image from Upcycled social media 

These milestones are coming quicker and quicker! 8000 pounds of plastic waste UPCYCLED! That’s 4 TONS!  Hundreds of thousands of single-use plastic items that will NEVER see our oceans, rivers, or landfills! This is why we do it. Let’s GO!

Founded in 2019 by Orlando Goncalves and Alfred Striano, Upcycled uses number 2 and 5 plastics gathered in the community to make structures such as picnic tables, benches, and garden beds. They even make coasters now - - and they are colorful and gorgeous. I’ve written about the Upcycled initiative before.

If you want your number two and five plastics to be Upcycled, go to this page on their website to learn how to drop off your items. Hint: they have a collection bin at the Community Ecology Institute’s Freetown Farm.

One last number for you. Although it’s not in HoCo, I’m a big fan of Scrap Bmore. Their mission is creative reuse. Sound familiar? 

Essentially, they take donations of craft materials that people don’t want anymore, and sell them at a discount. After eight years they are marking not just their anniversary but also that they have been able to keep 69.5 tons of craft supplies out of landfills. That’s definitely worth celebrating. 

Scrap Bmore is located at 913 W. Barre Street in historic Pigtown. Everyone is welcome; it’s not just a Baltimore thing. So pay them a visit and browse whatever cool stuff is on hand.

Are there any other numbers out there I should know about? What are you counting lately?

Village Green/Town² Comments

Monday, July 8, 2024

Do It Yourself

Howard County is fairly well known as a good place to pick your own produce during the growing season.  I have friends who do that pretty regularly but I’ve never been tempted for some reason. Lately I’ve been thinking about do-it-yourself activities that don’t involve being out in the heat. (I wonder why?)

Of course there’s paint your own pottery at The Pottery Stop in Ellicott City, and the Columbia Art Center has a variety of hands-on art opportunities as well. At Savage Mill you can learn to throw pottery at Clay Coven Pottery. There are places like Board and Brush  where you can make wood and sign projects. 

But did you know that you can learn how to make chocolates at Sweet Cascades? You can!

Images from Sweet Cascades Social Media 

Looking for something sweet and fun to do this summer?

Grab your family and friends, and let's make some chocolate!! You pick the day and time! Give us a call at 410 750 8422 for more info, or you can go to our website.

Sweet Cascades has a number of Howard County locations. The workshops take place in their Old Ellicott City shop. 

Or if you’re looking for something a bit more sophisticated, I learned from this post by the Maryland Innovation Center that Howard County has a make-your-own wine facility. Wow.

Image from Maryland Innovation Center social media

Ever dreamed of becoming a winemaker? Now you can at Tin Lizzie Wineworks, Howard County's top "make-your-own-wine" facility!

I can’t imagine that this is an inexpensive hobby. On the other hand, if you’re passionate about wine, it might be right up your alley.

Have you ever attended a do-it-yourself workshop or event in HoCo? Or can you think of one you wish that we had? Let me know.

Village Green/Town² Comments