Hey there! There are two blog posts I’d like to run but they’re not entirely in my wheelhouse. I’d love for you - - yes, you - - to step up and write one.
First of all, I’d love to be able to share a post along the lines of “Why I love the Howard County Fair.” I know it’s a significant event in the life of the county. Me? I wilt in the heat and I’m allergic to everything, so my visits to the Fair have been rare over the years. Every year when it rolls around I know there are local stories there that I’m just plain missing out on.
Maybe this is your time to shine. Reach out to me and let me know.
Second, with the recent forward movement on an Inspector General in Howard County, I am looking for someone who can explain the entire process to people who have no background knowledge. You know, as in the request, “Explain it to me like I’m in kindergarten.” I don’t mean to suggest that my readers are dummies. Far from it. But I think that people who are intensely “in the know” sometimes forget that not everyone is.
I’d love to be able to share a write up that doesn’t assume a whole lot of prior knowledge and that would make this whole process engaging and accessible to more people. Do I think there’s someone out there who can do this? Yes. Will they be willing to do it in a community blog with no hope of monetary reward?
Gosh, I hope so.
One more thing before you go. Donations to Columbia Community Care drop off significantly in the summertime and they could really use a boost right now. Here’s how you can help:
Order from their Amazon Wishlist
Buy needed items and drop off at the Pantry or one of their drop-off locations
Have a great Monday!