We haven’t had much rain lately. Well, yesterday’s downpour notwithstanding. But here come this week's weather predictions.
Everyone loves to make lists these days - - best place for live music, best location to see the fireworks, best local cheesesteak - - but what we don’t have is a list of the best HoCoLocal things to do when it rains.
Let’s make one.
Best things to do with kids when it rains. Best places to watch the rain. Best places to dance in the rain.
You get the idea.
What are your favorite Howard County hangouts when your outdoor plans get washed out? I once attended a summer concert (Beatlegras, Columbia Festival of the Arts) under a tent at Belmont as a storm moved in and it was a memorable experience. The tent was fine, we didn’t get wet, and the musicians just kept right on playing.
Send me your rainy day (and night) recommendations. They may very well come in handy for the rest of us this week.