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A shoutout to the Banner’s Jess Nocera for including the Sunday Farmer’s Market in Oakland Mills in this week’s run-down.
I’m somewhat distressed to read the words “as the end of summer draws closer” in her piece. It’s either because I think that summer should go on a whole lot longer or because I’m trying to ignore all those adverts for school supplies that herald the inexorable march towards another school year. I haven’t been a student in K-12 in many a day but that old resistance to back to school displays has stuck with me.
Of course some stores are already putting out Halloween and Thanksgiving merchandise, so why am I complaining?
All that being said, Prepare for Success is in full swing collecting school supplies to support area students for the upcoming school year. They’re an excellent HoCoLocal organization and they make it easy to participate, either by monetary donation, contributing new school supplies and dropping them off, or purchasing items from their Amazon Wish List.
In a different but equally important way to prepare for success, right now would be an excellent time to make sure you are registered to vote in the State of Maryland.
I may be putting off thoughts of summer’s end but November is ever present in my mind.