Sunday, July 7, 2024

The Most Dangerous Local Story

Friends, there are local things to write about today. I just don’t feel like writing about any of them. 

There was a tragic fatal shooting of a three year old. 

A controversy in a local parade. 

Some folks are upset about a nearby quarry. 

A member of the County Council will be proposing the creation of a new Inspector General position. 

The County announced a partnership with HCC to support childcare for the young children of students there.

The new superintendent of schools is beginning his first ninety days in office,

There’s a new head at CA, too.

And yet…

All I have on my mind this morning is the Twitter account of the Howard Counry M4L chapter which is spewing falsehood after falsehood. The latest?

The teachers unions are killing education in America. Why every parent should be outraged.

Yes,there are plenty of stories both big and small that are on our minds this morning. 

Please don’t let any of them obscure the fact that M4L is looking to gain traction on our Board of Education and that you have an opportunity to vote for something better: candidates who support working in partnership with educators, who believe in the power of intellectual freedom and in teaching the truth about history, and who will work to make schools welcoming for all children and families. 

Accept no substitutions. Those are the qualities that are needed to create successful learning environments for our kids.

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