I'm having a raffle. You can enter. It's only one dollar per ticket and you could win this enormous barrel of craft supplies, gleaned from my home collection. All items are new or very lightly used. You and your children, if you feel like sharing, can have a lot of fun with this. Endless fun. Messy fun. Creative fun. It is a stashbusting paradise.
Come to my table "3-2-1 Fun!" at the Oakland Mills Cultural Arts Festival. Pay a dollar, buy a ticket. You need not be present to win. Winner will be notified by telephone and can pick up the prize at The Other Barn during regular business hours.
I 'm having a raffle. You should enter. This raffle supports the Community Based Learning Center at Forest Ridge Apartments. The CBLC is a part of the Black Student Achievement Program of the Howard County Public Schools. I learned about this program when I visited Forest Ridge during the campaign.
Students come after school Monday through Thursday for two hours. There's time for homework, a healthy snack, reading time, outdoor play, and a variety of fun and educational activities which support the BSAP mission. The program director was especially proud of a tea they hold in the Spring where the children dress up and invite family members to participate. Family participation is a vital part of what they do.
Last Monday the African American Community Round Table of Howard County, in partnership with the Howard County Schools, hosted an event focused on the achievement gap. Clearly this is an ongoing problem, one that the a BSAP was founded and works to address. Although I was not able to attend, I have heard great feedback.
I'm having a raffle. It's really quite small. If I raise even fifty dollars I'll be happy. My mission is to say to the kids and program director at Forest Ridge: you are members of our community, and we support you.
Who knows? Maybe they'll use the money to buy craft supplies.