In trying to import some material for a Guest Post today, I ended up with an exciting collage of text over text, and Bloggsy doesn't appear to have an "undo" button. So that will have to wait until I can straighten it out.
Instead, here's a potpourri of HoCoBlog choices that I have read over the last week that I think you might enjoy. I try to go the page frequently and pick out posts by bloggers with whom I am less familiar. That's how I discovered From the Scratchpad of an Urban Bushwoman, now one of my favorites. She writes this week about the Fall Health Care Enrollment Festival at HCC.
In the first-time read category (read by me, that is) is J K Squared Blog warning us how our "Likes" may be used on Facebook. It's stuff I kind of knew already but definitely needed the reminder.
I have recently started reading the blog "Away from the Things of Man." It's a surprising choice for me. The writer is unlike me in many, many ways, and yet his good-hearted-ness shines through. I am pretty sure we don't vote the same, or worship the same, and yet, once I read a few posts, I was rooting for him.
The 53 blog keeps getting better and better, in my opinion, although if you check out today's post, you might think that writer Marshmallow Man has gone off the rails. Enjoy the Halloween fun, but then read back a few for a taste of more serious local commentary.
Finally, if you are willing to get a little more thoughtful, and even a bit sad, read this post on HoCoHouseHon. It offers a truthful and almost poetic look at the experience of grief. Although rather heart-wrenching, it will make you smile as you think about the people whom you have loved and lost.
That's all for today!