Over the last eleven years I have experienced joy, frustration, sadness, triumph, and even hilarity in my work. I am privileged to work with wonderful students, teachers, and support staff. When a lesson goes well I am walking on air. When it doesn't I go around under a cloud until I figure out a way to improve it.
In the grand scheme of the program of Regional Early Childhood Centers, what I do is just a tiny piece. I try to remind myself of that when I get bent out of shape about something. But, to me, each class is my whole world. It is a chance to get that airplane off the ground and take flight.
I have spent a good deal of time on this blog championing music education in our schools. I see every day what music can do to lift up and engage students on the autism spectrum, or with language delays, physical impairments, cognitive delays. I witness how students with special needs and those without can be united in the enjoyment of creating music.
To quote the old, old song:
How can I keep from singing?