Here are some things that made me smile recently in Columbia/Howard County:
- A visit to Snowden Boston Market where customer service was excellent all around and they served the food on real dishes.
- Last night's meeting of Howard County Parents for School Music--a new year of arts advocacy is in the works.
- The newly renovated Savage Library where we had our meeting. It's gorgeous. I can't wait to go back and explore.
- Two Miles for Two Hearts continues this Saturday, bringing some good out of grief for the Ellicott City Community.
- Courtney Watson, candidate for County Executive, will be at the Oakland Mills Village Board Meeting tonight for a listening session.
And one more thing, a bit outside of the local scene. My friend Justin, he of the successful heart transplant, posted this last night on Facebook:
It's official - I've been cleared for driving a car and swimming (but not at the same time)!
Some days a smile is all you really have to get you through.