I'm looking forward to hanging out with some local bloggers this evening at Jailbreak Brewing Company. So, with that in mind, here are a few recent local posts I think you ought to read:
Tom Coale of HoCoRising writes about what it takes to kill a lake and what that means to us right here in Maryland. "Lake Erie--Closer Than You Think."
Eric Freed writes in two poignant posts about living with depression on Away from the Things of Man. "Depression is the Pits" and "Shaking Off the Melancholy".
Wendy Scherer of Finding Blanche offers a beautiful piece on love and loss. "The Collateral Damage of Divorce".
Marshmallow Man offers his take on accessibility (or the lack therof) to quality local news over at The 53.
I found out last night that my friend who received a heart transplant is well enough to come home from the hospital. And another friend is in the hospital following a serious car accident. Life is precious. And puzzling.