Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Loose Ends

Many, many threads. Lots of knots. Too many separate lines of inquiry. Not one single complete narrative. That's where things stand today at VG/TS.

I should note that the very first person who responded to my letter about school budget cuts was Council Member Jon Weinstein. (Also heard from the administrative assistant for the BoE, Allan Kittleman, and Calvin Ball.) I know everyone was swamped with letters on this particular issue, so all responses are much appreciated. I certainly hope that the County Executive and the County Council will do what the Board of Education did not, and restore funding for those much-needed positions. Again, a word of thanks to Board members Cindy Vaillancourt and Bess Altwerger for providing some refreshing sanity on this issue.

Updated Update: Due to inclement weather, the HCEA open community meeting on the local and state budgets is rescheduled for Tuesday, March 10th, 5-6PM in the Homewood cafeteria. If you haven’t already done so, they ask you to RSVP here to give an idea of how much pizza they need.

I have a number of questions submitted by readers to send to Joel Gallihue of the Howard County Schools, pertaining to over-enrollment, new school building, redistricting, etc. So that is a post looming in the future.

Have you signed up to run for your village board or CA representative? Now is the season for picking up your packet and deciding to be a part of making Columbia better. You know what I think would make Columbia better? Online voting. Who is in charge of that?

I have discovered that I am not the only person appalled by the implementation of the HCPSS Dress Code. You'll definitely be hearing more about that in the near future.

And finally, a HoCoHoller to Eric Freed at Away from the Things of Man for his spicy and unique adventures at the Chili Cookoff put on by Grace Community Church. Mark your calendars for March 8th to attend the final Chili Cookoff at the Church of the Resurrection at 3175 Paulskirk Drive in Ellicott City, MD. From Eric's blog:

While there is no admission charge, you can vote for your favorite chili (or congregation) by "tipping" money towards your favorites. All proceeds from the chili cook-off directly benefit Bridges to Housing Stability, so you're encouraged to be generous with your tips. The "winner" gets the Golden Ladle. Please come out and support this wonderful charity. Bridges works to empower local families to maintain stability in their homes and through community partnerships to prevent homelessness in Howard County.

Now, if we can just get through the rest of this school week without any closings...