Saturday, March 7, 2015

Saturday Bulletin

High points, low points, points of interest.

  • Friend, local blogger, and champion of a vibrant Downtown Columbia Kirsten Litkowski-Coombs has been accepted to serve on the Town Center Village Board. Definitely a high point. All of our village boards need more people like her. (Have you turned in your candidate packet yet?)
  • Haven on the Lake is offering free weekly workshops on Wednesdays. I think this is a great idea. Anyone want to go to one with me?
  • Mark your calendars now for "Come Home to Howard County", the largest housing fair in the state of Maryland. This will be the 9th annual Howard County Housing Fair -- Saturday, April 11th from ten am to two pm at Wilde Lake High School, Admission is free to the community.
  • Howard County Mobile Journalism site HoCoMoJo announced yesterday, "Excited to re-launch the HoCoMoJo network on a new platform with a host of new content and features. Look for an official announcement in the coming days!"
  • You can support Bridge Columbia by giving testimony at the upcoming budget hearing on March 10th, or submit your support by email. Learn more.
  • Ian Kennedy of the Horizon Foundation has announced a new initiative: Open Streets for Howard County. I'll be writing more about this soon.
  • In a surprise move, the trustees of Sweet Briar College announced the closing of the college at the end the Spring semester. (Low point) Sweet Briar alumnae have organized and are fighting back to save their beloved school from extinction. (High point) How you can help to save this over a century old institution of higher learning for women? (Point of Interest.)

Have a great weekend. Send me your high points, low points, and points of interest. If you have found a way to turn the Springing Forward of the clocks from a low point into a high point, I definitely want to hear about that.