Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Positivity in Oakland Mills

Good morning, Oakland Mills campers! Our village election is drawing nigh. have you received one of these flyers yet?

Take a minute to read this before you vote. It represents a fresh and much-needed direction in Oakland Mills Village politics. These people have gotten together to run for the Board because they are for something, not against. I want to take a moment to recommend them to you because they bring the best overall qualifications to get the job done for all people in our village.

Here's what they've got:

  • Experience working to support our schools through PTA involvement.
  • Participation in neighborhood and community-wide initiatives.
  • Past Board experience.
  • First-hand knowledge of the Master Plan process.
  • Experience working cooperatively with Columbia Association and Howard County.
  • A track record of working successfully and respectfully with OMCA Village staff.
  • A commitment to working for all our residents: homeowners and renters, varying income levels and ethnicity.
Please vote for Fred Eiland, Daniel Kirk-Davidoff, Marcia White, and Bill Woodcock. I have served on the Oakland Mills Village Board and I can honestly say that it is precisely their combination of expertise that we need to make real progress for our village. Read the flyer. Think about what you want for Oakland Mills. Tell your friends.

And one more thing: vote.