Monday, April 6, 2015


Spring is here. Is it really here? Are we absolutely sure? It seems almost foolhardy to trust in it this year. Many of us have been looking anxiously for those perennial signs from Nature that the season is finally turning. We will wear lighter jackets, leave the front door open, work in the yard. We will relax into the warmth, instead of bracing ourselves against the cold.

The theme of rebirth is a big one this time of year, whether you are pondering it in church or at the garden center. We talk about new life arising from death. We clear away the remnants of winter from our garden beds and smile at the little green shoots which mean another season of growth and blossoming. We look forward. We plan, we plant, and we savor the anticipation.

Around town there are signs of rebirth in other ways. People are trying new things. I have been observing friends and acquaintances taking leaps of faith, starting new ventures, leaving the past behind. A sampling:

Courtney Watson is spearheading a new chartitable giving initiative in Howard County called Bridge to Give. She is using the knowledge and expertise gained in public service to make connections between people and community service.

Candace Dodson-Reed, Former Deputy Chief of Staff for Ken Ulman, begins a new position today as Vice-President of the Greater Baltimore Committee. Anyone who knows Candace knows that she will be taking top-notch skills and unstoppable determination to her new gig.

Marcia White is simultaneous planning the annual Jefferson-Jackson Dinner and running for the Oakland Mills Village Board. She's a member of the Democratic Central Committee who's not afraid to work in a non-partisan way to support her community through Village Board service.

Mary Catherine Cochran is beginning her tenure as Director of the Patapcso Heritage Greenway. Not only is this a new venture for her, it is the first time this position has existed--a lot of beginnings on that front. A love of nature and preservation make her the ideal choice to advocate for this local natural habitat.

Lastly, without name or fanfare, a dear friend of our family has left an abusive relationship and is starting over on her own. She's pushing on to finish her college degree. She's found a new job, and she's getting used to a whole new life. She's got a great family to back her up, and immense intelligence and spirit, but it's a struggle. She won't ever make the news for making this difficult life change, but I admire her and want to honor her.

I'm hearing a bird singing out front. It may reach 70 degrees today. I'm going to be enjoying a day-after-Easter brunch with my in-laws and getting some expert advice on how to create a rain garden on a slope--a new venture waiting to happen.

How's your rebirth going?