Thursday, April 23, 2015

Reaching Out to Long Reach

Village Elections are this Saturday. Had I mentioned that?

This morning Tom Coale put in a good word for Dan Woodruff in the Dorsey Search race for CA Board Representative, saying:

Dan is a personal friend of mine, but I've admired his commitment to Dorsey's Search long before I had a chance to work with him. He is a fiscally minded community volunteer who knows how CA works.

He linked to the Baltimore Sun/Columbia Flier editorial on the election, which endorses Woodruff. Reading further, I was amazed to see their endorsement in the Long Reach race. They are endorsing Janet Evans rather than Ed Coleman. What a mistake. Well, this won't be the first time I have been at odds with the Baltimore Sun/Howard County Times editorial board.

A quick run-down of the two candidates in the Long Reach CA Board elections.

Ed Coleman:

  • Has extensive experience.
  • Has previously served one term as CA Rep.
  • Has volunteered for a decade.
  • Pro inner arbor.
  • Pro village center redevelopment.
  • Pro fiscal responsibility.
  • Pro open space
  • Helped save Dannon Garth Pond.

Janet Evans:

  • Thinks that there should be mass voting on what CA pays for.
  • Has never voted in a village election before.
  • No record of volunteer/community service in Long Reach.

Long Reach is facing a variety of challenges and their Village Board has been hard at work dealing with Village Center revitalization. It's perfectly clear to me that the sane choice to represent Long Reach on the CA Board is Ed Coleman. He has experience, he knows the job, he has donated time and effort already to improve his village. He's positive, and self-motivated.

Do you live in Long Reach? Know someone who does? They need this information. Sadly, they won't be able to find it in the local newspaper. So spread the word.