I went to a party yesterday, which is practically news unto itself as I am well-known as a shy person who avoids social events. But this post is not about me. It is about Interesting People. The people who came to the party.
You wouldn't think that a birthday party for family and friends would produce such a fascinating turnout, but it did. A glimpse:
Former, current, and probably potential local bloggers
- Columbia Village Board members, past and present
- Non-profit board members
- Members of Howard County boards
- Former and current members of the Democratic Central Committee
- PTA and PTACHC members, past and present
And this represents a whole lot of overlap. People who get involved tend to get involved a lot, both serially and concurrently. They just can't seem to help themselves.
It resulted in a whole lot of Bubble-Centric conversation. Banter. Repartée. If there were disagreements they were put off with a smile. For while all of these people had strong opinions, they also knew how to behave at a party. So there was much laughter along with the hyperlocal anecdotes and theories. No one here needed to be reminded to Choose Civility.
We all have our own group of friends. Goodness knows that not everyone would want to be surrounded by these folks at a birthday party. But my friend did. Because she's the kind of person who wants to know what's going on. She's going to pursue information and analyze it. She's going to work for the causes she firmly believes in. She's going to speak up to address issues she feels strongly about. She going to put the hours in to get the job done.
So it's pretty darn cool to get invited to her birthday party. You can see why I went, despite my tendency to click "maybe" on everything in life that requires showing up in the flesh. My friend is a natural when it comes to making connections and that's exactly what we all need more of in Columbia and Howard County.
So, as a belated birthday gift to her, I'd like to suggest you read her blog. Her name is Kirsten Litkowski Coombs. She writes about community, politics, family, the school system, and more. Her blog is entitled Kirstycat's Meow! (and sometimes Growl!)
Happy Birthday, Kirsten. Here's to more connections, more good works, and more parties with interesting people. Cheers!