A few snapshots this week on the way we get around town.
Did anyone have a chance to speak with these folks? I'd like to know more.
@maximize2040: Having a great time camping out on @parkingday to #TalkTransportation @WholeFoods in #ColumbiaMD! Stop by to chat.
A blast from the past, courtesy of the collection of Ilana Bittner:
Yes, availability of gas stations in Columbia has an effect on gas prices and on how we choose to get around. And there's definitely a history in Columbia on limiting the number of gas stations. You can see just exactly how people are fighting about this issue in the here and now when it comes to a proposed gas station on Snowden River Parkway.
The most recent Friends of Bridge Columbia Newsletter is out. You should definitely get on their email list if you aren't already. Connecting Columbia with a pedestrian, bike, and transit bridge will definitely change how we get around. For the better.
This next photo is a sign not of what is, but what is to come. The tipping point for supporting successful transit will come only when people are convinced that it will be more convenient and less expensive to leave their cars at home. A startling amount of Columbia real estate is presently paved over and tied up in free parking. But a growing number of residents and potential residents are looking for walkable, bikeable communities with convenient transit systems that make it possible to live car-free, or to leave the car at home more often.
I'd like to be able to show photographs of more sidewalks and pedestrian crosswalks being installed county-wide. Let me know if you've got some. How are we coming along on that? Any substantial progress?
How do you get around town? How would you like to get around?