Saturday, May 14, 2016

Live and Local

Big news. The sun is out and there's a bit of blue in the sky. According to my weather app, this may last until about 2:00 pm, more or less, so get out and enjoy it. Yesterday afternoon was glorious. Here's hoping we have more of the same today.

Other big news:

Coverage of budget hearing at hcpss, which contains a quote from the Superintendent which does more than strain credulity.

You've got to look out for those low-life renters who will ruin your neighborhood...

The beginning of a new venture in Oakland Mills revitalization. Let's hope it's not about displacing low-income and minority residents.

There's actually a lot of big news. There's a PATH IAF meeting Tuesday night on a Community Agenda for Howard County Schools, based on a year of public input. The Planning Board voted on affordable housing plans for Downtown Columbia this week. There's something wacky going on in the relationship between the Governor and Comptroller vs. everyone else, it seems.

That last one is crying out for a HoCoRising post.

Not obsessed by current events? Get out of the house and enjoy the weather. The news will still be waiting when it starts to rain again and you have to come back inside.