Thursday, May 5, 2016


First up this morning, this strikingly to-the-point piece by Valerie Strauss about Teacher Appreciation Week, "It’s Teacher Appreciation Week. Why some teachers don’t exactly appreciate it." It brought to mind this piece I wrote last year during this week, "Heroes? Maybe. Super? Let's Talk". I think it's worth revisiting today.

In particular:

None of this is a criticism of parents who give of their time, resources, and talents to celebrate teachers. They are awesome!

But underneath all of this is the fact that if parents and teachers truly united to seek improvement and change on shared goals, they would be unstoppable. The powers that be know this. That is why we read so many statements that attempt to chip away the faith of parents in their children's teachers, and in the teaching profession.

And that is why the schools approve of appreciating teachers one week a year and having the parents do it. Truly, it makes both groups into servant classes and those who are in charge continue to be in charge. It is an intricate dance which maintains the status quo. And somewhere an admin is checking off a box which reads, " teachers will feel appreciated" without having done anything to support that.

The continuing course of events centered around the Howard County Public Schools makes this all the more relevant. "If parents and teachers truly united to seek improvement and change on shared goals, they would be unstoppable."

Budget surveys may be rigged, the hcpss Director of Communications may block community members on Twitter, and Central Office may try to keep stakeholders out of Board Meetings, but teachers and parents are persisting and persevering to have their voices be heard.

That's the best news we've got this week.