Sunday, December 11, 2016

For Whom the Bell Tolls

CA rep from River Hill, Dr. Chao Wu, reports that the Bell Tower is coming back to the Lakefront in time for the Columbia 50th Birthday celebration. I've lived here since 1999 and I have no memory of seeing it in real life, but I have read many laments from residents who miss it. I am guessing that this news should be cause for celebration.

Although I read somewhere that the location will be different and some folks are not happy about that. This is Columbia, after all. If there is to be change there will be people lining up to protest. See also: Dr. Wu's meeting write-up for complaints about the noise at Merriweather.

 CA is selling commemorative bricks again and I am very tempted to purchase one for the blog. On the other hand, I am a bit superstitious. What if the act of purchasing the brick killed my desire to write? That would be awkward.

A bit of fun: the River Hill Choral concert concluded with the debut of its newest ensemble: the River Hill Chorale. Chorale rehearses once a week after school, and is open to RHHS students, faculty, staff, and parents. Kudos to director Ms. Katie Geiger and the RHHS community for filling those risers with sound. Here's a sample.

What a wonderful idea to create a multi-generational school-based group that allows participants to have the experience of hearing and being a part of a large ensemble. We compartmentalize so much of our lives these days. We live separated from each other. Perhaps sometimes we all need to get together and sing.