Saturday, December 3, 2016

The Show Must Go On

"I think the ultimate way that art can be political is that it engenders empathy."
- - Lin-Manuel Miranda

Today is the day for OMHS annual WBAL Radio Concert for Kids. It has been a hard week over at the high school. The school community has been rocked by a student's very public racist and violent threats. Fellow-students who tried to call out his behavior found themselves subjected to lengthy interrogation by school administration. Students feel fearful at school. Parents have worried.

Rehearsals continued. Preparations moved forward. The over-arching goal of helping others thriugh a celebration of the arts continues. The show must go on.

I'm taking the liberty of running last year's post again (with updated information) because I feel very strongly in this cause and these people. Take a few hours of your day to enjoy this concert. Or donate.


Who Gives? We Do

My #tbt offering today (for Throwback Thursday) is reaching way back to Giving Tuesday. I've got an amazing, local, holiday-flavored, budget-friendly way for you to give: the WBAL Concert for Kids. We went last year and were blown away by the student performances. Yes, there are professional guest artists and they are great, but it's the kids that will wow you. 

First, the giving. All monies raised from this concert go to the WBAL Radio Kids Campaign. Their mission:

The WBAL Radio Kids Campaign seeks to promote, foster, encourage, support and sponsor various activities for the general educational, vocational, recreational, civic and social improvement and betterment of young, economically deprived boys and girls in the WBAL Radio listening area, without regard to race, creed, color, or national origin.

I wrote about this concert last year

It is hard to put into words how awe-inspiring this event was. It was absolutely the best in student performance that Howard County has to offer: singing, instrumental playing, and dance. And it was the picture of Rouse's dream for Columbia: racially, ethnically, and economically diverse--all coming together, using their talents, to help others.

If you are looking for something to do with the family this year to fill in for the Symphony of Lights, this is it. I assure you, you will come away with holiday spirits raised and a spring in your step. This year Music Director Philip Hale and his performers have added a special Family Matinée performance at 1:00 pm to the original evening performance at 7:30 pm. If you have younger children, the 1:00 pm show has been tailored to your needs: it's shorter, more compact, and there's even a free do-it-yourself craft for kids! 
Between the Family Matinee and the evening performance you can visit the Holiday Shop. Bring your wallet!

To enhance your experience, our Holiday Shop will be open from 2:00pm until approximately 10:00pm. Hand crafted home decorations, ornaments and gifts will be available throughout the afternoon. Performances by the Oakland Mills Middle School Jazz Band, Oakland Mills High School Orchestra and Choir students will help to "make your 
spirit bright". Pictures with Santa and a do-it-yourself holiday craft will be available for the children. 

Just the facts:

Where--Oakland Mills High School, 9410 Kilimanjaro Rd. 21045
When--Saturday, December 3, at 1:00 and 7:30
Why--To support WBAL Radio Kids Campaign 
Cost--Family Matinée, $10.00, Evening, $15.00.

Want to help the cause but can't attend? For the first time, you can purchase a ticket to "pay it forward" and give the gift of the concert to a member of our community who wouldn't otherwise be able to afford it. You can add some happy faces to that Family Matinée  and help the Kids Campaign. What's not to like? Buy your tickets here.

Keep in mind that everything--time, talents, crafts, are donated. One hundred per cent of the proceeds are donated. Since its inception, the Concert for Kids has donated over $50,000 to the Campaign for Kids. And all of this energy and giving and excellence in performance is coming from the Village of Oakland Mills. 

We have a lot of heart here in Oakland Mills. Won't you join the effort by joining Philip Hale and his students this weekend? Ten or fifteen dollars is a small price to pay for a song in your heart and joy for kids who really, really need it. 

I hope I'll see you there.