Friday, December 9, 2016

Old Friends, New Ventures

Howard County Times released their Best Of 2016 yesterday, and for the first time ever, this blog made an appearance. Thanks to all of you who made that happen.  The winner in the Best Blog category was Tom Coale for HoCo Rising.

Best Blog
HoCo Rising
Honorable mentions:
The Unmanly Chef
Pilates, Pearls, and Peanut Butter
Village Green/Town Squared
Tom doesn't write much these days, a fact which I lament with some regularity, but his posts around the time of the Elliott City flood this summer are worth the win all by themselves. HoCo Rising held steady like a lighthouse in stormy seas. Of course, the blog posts pale in comparison to the work Tom was doing in the community to support those affected by the flood. 
He's not just a writer, he's a doer. Possibly why he has so much less time to write these days. Rumor has it that he will be back on the scene doing a podcast with fellow-blogger and constituent services expert Candace Dodson-Reed. I'm looking forward to it.
Speaking of podcasts, Bill Woodcock of The 53 is teaming up with James Howard for something called "Do It Live," which begins this Sunday.
If you are into podcasts, the Howard County Library now has one called HiJinx. Give it a listen.
It looks like Blogger Bill Santos is back with Columbia Post Compass, or possibly a contest for a new name.
Old friends, new ventures. Community.