Add this to your calendar if you'd like to understand more about how Howard County ticks:
"APFO 101" at Savage Library 3/22/17, 7:00 pm.
APFO means Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance. Schools, roads, sewer, water, police, fire dept, hospitals, recreation--the kind of things we often take for granted. If you are curious as to how decisions for new housing construction are made, or have concerns about school overcrowding, this would be a good place to start.
This event is described as a meeting put on by community members for community members. Hosted by North Laurel resident Judy Fisher George, the goal is to present APFO information for those who have an interest but haven't known where to get started in getting the basics.
People who served on the APFO task force will present information and answer your questions. Seating at the library is extremely limited. Depending on interest, they may have another session.
This informational session is being held in preparation of the APFO report being brought to the County Council. New APFO legislation is coming up in May. It's an opportunity to learn the various county entities and regulatory components, and how they work (or maybe don't work) together. The goal is to help ordinary people understand the necessary connections that make for better schools, roads, infrastructure.
Shedding some light on the process will contribute to creating better-informed citizens who can be more successfully engaged in the process. And if you are a frequent reader of this blog, you know I'm a big fan of that.
This is clearly not my area of expertise, so maybe I should turn up
to get a better grounding, too.
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