Event today at Howard High School:
From the event page:
Congressman Elijah Cummings is hosting a screening of the newly released film, “Walking While Black, L.O.V.E. is the Answer,” followed by community roundtable discussions featuring the StandUp, SpeakUp Howard Planning Committee! Please join us for this important event & community dialogue, it is free & open to the public.
Also worth your time, this article by Erica L. Green:
Bridging the Divide: Within Integrated Schools, DeFacto Segregation Exists
It is specifically about the Howard County Schools. It sparked a number of conversations online yesterday. Some comments were insightful and others were head-smackingly off the mark, like most of social media, I guess. I have some thoughts on this but I don't think it's fair to lay them on you before you have read the article and done some thinking for yourself.
As always, comments are welcome on the blog's Facebook page.