Looking for some good reads? Got you covered. These three pieces from HoCo bloggers are drawn from the Personal Blogs category. If they have a common thread, perhaps it is travel: to far-off countries, from show to show, or down the pathways of our childhood imaginations. Enjoy.
"Shark in the Diving Well"
Just Karin Talking About Stuff
"What Theatre Means to Me"
Scrappy Travels
"I bought cat treats to carry in my purse, because of course I did..."
The HoCoBlogs aggregator page has had some formatting issues for a while now. (At least on my iPad, it does) I'd love to see someone in the community step up and sort this out. Do you know anyone who might volunteer their tech-y expertise to do that? It would be awesome to be able to see that page clearly again and see all the local posts at a glance.