Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Follow the Signs

Just in case you've been wondering about the place where the cool kids of Elevate Maryland get their podcast on, I took a little field trip over to Joe's Place Deli yesterday. Okay, I really just wanted lunch, but let's pretend I went there in service of the blog and community information.

The thing about Joe's Place is that you really have to know to know. It is so far off the beaten path that they've resorted to planting a series of signs that guide you all the way from the main road, through a quasi-intersection, around a corner and down a hill. I'm wondering if they should team up with the sign makers for Jenny's Market.

If you want to take a trip to Joe's Place to see them record the Elevate Maryland podcast, or if you just really want an amazingly fresh sandwich or delicious soup, this is what you need to do. Get on Snowden heading towards Broken Land. Keep an eye out for Minstrel Way: the turnoff to the shopping plaza marked by Taco Bell and KFC. Take a right, head up towards the Sunrise Living facility, turning left in the process. Keep going and follow the signs down to the building in the back where you will Find Joe's Place Deli tucked in rather sedately next to Pixel Workshop, home to Elevate Maryland's producer, HoCoMoJo's own Ilana Bittner.

You with me?

If the purpose of Columbia was to encourage the joy of discovery, Joe's Place is the reward for your exploration. You'll have to work a bit to find it. But once you are there you may feel like you don't want to leave. It has a cozy, comfy atmosphere. Joe and his wife Tonya will be there to assist you and engage in friendly conversation. Every employee I've ever dealt with there is pleasant and helpful. And the food is well-made, amply portioned, and delicious.

Here's the deal, though. If you want to have the Joe's Deli experience you must go between 8:00 am and 2:30 pm. No evenings, no weekends. (And it's 2:00 pm on Fridays.) This is why my husband and I only have the luxury of grabbing lunch there during the summer--we both teach during the week. So indulging in the deliciousness of one of their amazing deli sandwiches is one of our special treats of summer.

You can go to their website to check on their daily specials and what soups are on offer. That's where I saw this:

                  To Our Wonderful Customers,

Joe’s Place will be closed Wednesday, July 12th - Monday, July 17th so that we can attend the Wedding of my son in Vermont. 

Joe’s Place will re-open on Tuesday, July 18th.

See you when we get back! — Tonya & Joe

So, by all means: eat at Joe's. Take a friend. Spread the word. But, if you can't make it today, wait until July 18th. If you want you can probably get some great wedding stories along with your meal.