Monday, July 3, 2017

Summer Sell-Out

The other day I read, with horror, this sentence:

Summer is over on the Fourth of July.

Over? Over? You have got to be kidding me! Summer is just hitting its stride on July Fourth. What killjoy has decided that tomorrow is the end (or the beginning of the end) of the best 104 days of the year?

Retail, maybe?

Later that same day I spied this scene at our local Walgreens and I knew what was afoot. All down the row where, only yesterday, there were sand toys, sunscreen, beach towels, pool floaties and more--now empty. The sign reads "seasonal". On the first of July, when my daughter and I haven't even made it to the pool yet, the summer display has been cleared away.

Later that same day...

My daughter and I looked at eachother. Heaved a sigh of sadness and disbelief. School supplies.  What is it with stores getting people all stirred up with school supplies in the middle of the summer? Why can't they Let Summer Be Summer?

There ought to be a law.

Well, we need to get moving a little faster on our Summer bucket list, I guess. Here's what ours looks like:

Go to the beach
Go to Rooster and Hen
Go to Breezy Willow Country Store
Go to the pool 
Mini golf
Walk around the lake
Go to library
Moana at Merriweather 
Second Chance (in Baltimore) 
Zoo in Baltimore or D.C. 
Columbia Big Band 
You Pizza, Scoop and Paddle
Craft day
Walk through Blandair
Hang out with friends

We've made some progress, but clearly we need to take this thing a little more seriously. Time's a-wastin'.

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