Saturday, July 29, 2017

Weather Report

It rained most of the day yesterday, and into the night.

Local concerns were not so much about canceled plans or muddy feet tracking a wet mess into the house.

Is Ellicott City okay?

Does anybody know?

How are things on Main Street?

One year ago: the deluge. Terrifying destruction and loss of life. A life-changing struggle to bring a city back.

This morning the skies are clear over Old Ellicott City and people are gathered to remember.

(Photo by Tom Coale)

The recovery in Old Ellicott City is remarkable. But it isn't over. One of the best ways you can help this weekend is to stop by and visit. Come out to one of the events marking the anniversary of the flood. Or just come on over to shop, have a meal, say thanks to local merchants for hanging in there. 

The weather forecast for Ellicott City today is for relatively mild temperatures, cloudy with a chance of light rain. Don't let a few raindrops keep you away.