Sunday, July 31, 2016


Right now the term Ellicott City is trending in the number one position on Twitter with 6,896 tweets. If you were on social media last night you know why.

Truth in advertising: I didn't take any of these photos. I'm sharing them from various sources on Facebook and Twitter.

It is hard for me to having anything coherent to say in the face of such overwhelming destruction. So I'm just going to thank some people:

  • First Responders and anyone who jumped in to assist in rescues last night.
  • Howard County Office of Emergency Management.
  • Howard County Government and the County Executive.
  • Former Councilwoman Courtney Watson for jumping in to share up-to-date information and letting people know how to donate supplies for the cleanup.

If there are more people to thank, I hope you will add their names in the comments.

Information on what happens next can be found here, along with a link to donate to assist in recovery. Information on how to donate clean-up supplies can be found here.

One more think I'm thankful for: no fatalities. If you have seen video clips of the power of this water, you know how incredibly lucky we are not to have lost anyone.


It looks like I spoke too soon. Just saw this on Twitter:

One fatality from the floods in Ellicott City last night. Body was found in the Patapsco River in Baltimore County. --Paul Gessler, Fox Baltimore