Friday, July 22, 2016

Hit or Miss

I saw references in my Facebook memories to two local businesses that are no longer. I miss them both. Interestingly enough, both were in Old Ellicott City: Mumbles and Squeaks, and Green Row Books. Independently owned and operated, they brought personality and fun to the main drag and there truly has been nothing yet to replace them.

It made me think about other now defunct local businesses. I got all the delicious baked goods for my daughter's bridal shower at Linda's Bakery on Snowden. I clearly didn't shop there enough--it's now gone. Although I hear excellent things about Renata's Tasy Bites, which has opened in that space. Have you been there? What would you recommend?

I'm starting to miss the Oakland Mills Food Lion, even though it is still with us. According to the Howard County Times, it has been sold and will soon be a Weis Market instead. I talked to one of my favorite check-out clerks and she said the switch will be taking place in September. Some good news: staff will remain the same, so this won't mean job losses.

Still, I've come to love our neighborhood Food Lion, with all its quirks. What will a Weis Market be like? Will the fit be good for Oakland Mills? Does it even matter, since the most important thing is that we are an older Village Center and we are beyond lucky to have a functioning grocery store?

Once place I don't miss is Alexander's Steak House, the site of one of life's most embarrassing moments for my husband and me. I won't go into details, but you can be sure that when we saw the place razed and replaced we weren't even remotely sorry. In fact I think there may have been some giggling involved.

I'm sure you've already heard that Starbucks will replace the Wilde Lake KFC that many people still call the Jack-in-the-Box.

I've heard several reports online that the space in River Hill that once housed Pudgie's Pizza will reopen as an Indian Restaurant. I think that's pretty cool, because it will fill a need in that immediate area and will be adding a locally owned and operated business instead of a chain. Oh, and my family loves Indian food.

What about you? Are there places that you miss? What about ones you were perfectly fine with losing? Are there places that you want to recommend because they need more local patronage to survive? Nothing is sadder than losing a great place because the community just didn't know enough to support it.

Before I go, I want to share this event which is today at the Lakefront. It is student-led, and I'm sure they'd appreciate community support.