Tuesday, July 12, 2016

On the Home Front

Postponed--to be rescheduled:
As the news from around the country continues to be overwhelming, people in Howard County are working together to respond in a helpful and meaningful way. Thursday night there will be a community forum at Long Reach High School.
I've been talking to so many folks who want to be an active part of a solution. Coming together with neighbors, friends, and local leaders to have an open conversation is a start. If we are silent in the face of injustice then we are complicit in perpetuating it.
I'm out of town all week for work. Please go and let me know what I missed.
Sunday evening from 4 to 5 pm the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Columbia held their monthly Black Lives Matter Vigil on Little Patuxent Parkway near the Mall. The community response was amazing. At 4:30 there were 161 adults and 69 children.
Photo credit
Tina Sheets Horn

This is Columbia. This is Howard County. And maybe this is the beginning of our community journey for racial justice. Don't watch from the sidelines. You're invited.