Friday, July 8, 2016

A Few Crumbs

I keep staring.

I just keep staring at the page.

And it doesn't get any better.

If you've been following the news, you know.

I have nothing new to offer. I have no message worth sharing. But I can point you to a few things worth seeing:

Here is a thoughtful post from Tom Coale on HoCoRising.
Here is a heartfelt statement from County Councilman Calvin Ball.
Here is a chance to meditate and pray.
Here is a invitation to stand up in the face of hatred and injustice, to stand on the side of love.

Here are your neighbors and friends, united in a peaceful vigil at the Lakefront.

Last night Broadway Actor/Composer Lin-Manuel Miranda tweeted out this message:

Everyone will sit under their own vine & under their own fig tree, & no one will make them afraid, for the Lord Almighty has spoken. -- Micah4:4

I'm not particularly religious, but the notion of a world where everyone feels safe is calling me right now.

Me, too.


Post Script: Someone just gave me one of the greatest gifts of my life by asking if I would give her a hug. God bless you for asking me to help, my friend.

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