Saturday, July 16, 2016


I'm back in my comfy chair, drinking coffee and eating cold pizza for breakfast. I have so many ideas spinning around in my head from the last five days that I might as well have no ideas. I need some time to decompress.

A few things on my mind as a result of the last week:

  • Asking people "where are you from?" Good or bad?
  • Mold in schools
  • Gallup Strengths Finder vs. Responsive Classroom
  • Different kinds of development (observations from my travels)
  • Risk-taking in educational settings
  • Why is Bethesda the specter of development gone wrong for those in Columbia who oppose the continuation of the Downtown Plan?
Yesterday we enjoyed my daughter's musical theatre performance as a part of the Round House summer program for teens. If you have no objections to Bethesda, you should definitely check out Round House offerings for kids and teens. Excellent.

Enjoy your Saturday. I'm looking forward to seeing Evita tonight at Olney Theatre Center.