Yes, those are my extremely pale legs, in the shade, with plenty of sunscreen. Part of what keeps me away from the pool is fear of sunburn. I've already had too many in my life, and I don't want to push it. My daughter picked the two lounge chairs with the most natural shade in the entire place. (Somebody raised that kid right.)
It was a great day at the Talbott Springs pool. As I posted on the Oakland Mills is Awesome FB page:
On a personal note, we finally made it to the Talbott Springs Pool today and the water was lovely. Quite a respectable number of adults and children were enjoying the pool. Swimming laps, using the slide and diving board, playing basketball, and splashing in the baby pool. It did my heart good--I love that pool!
It is well-known that Talbott Springs is one of the pools with the lowest attendance. Yesterday I'd say there were close to thirty people there, which for us is pretty darn good. Of course I don't know what it has been like on the other days. It just made me happy to see all kinds of people there enjoying themselves.