Thursday, November 2, 2017

Another Model for Local Journalism?

Today’s post takes us out of the bubble to Chestertown. Harry Schwarz of HoCoMDcc first told me about the Chestertown Spy. Take a look here.

You’ll also notice this link takes you to information about an upcoming play in Chestertown. It’s worth the drive. I know because I’ve seen it. ”A Time To Speak”is a dramatic adaptation of the story of dancer Helen Lewis and her experience during the Holocaust. Adapted for the stage by Sam McCready. Acted by Joan McCready. They knew the author and were determined to tell her story.

They’re also my inlaws. (Truth in advertising.)

So, read the article. Take a look around the Chestertown Spy while you’re there. What do you think?
And one more thing. If you know of a local organization that would like to bring “A Time to Speak” to Columbia/Howard County, let me know.

Right now feels like an important time to speak out about the Holocaust.