Sunday, November 19, 2017

What to Do?

This morning I’m pondering this seasonal urge I have to “hunker down” this time of year. Who am I kidding? I’ll usually take hunkering down at any time of year. I’m looking out the back window where I can see beautiful blue sky and the tops of trees still clinging to brightly colored leaves. I hear the sound of wind whistling around the house. I contemplate a day of crafting, of ordering the few groceries I need and having them delivered.

The urge to “hunker” is strong.

All the more reason to read this post from HoCo blogger Mike Hartley, who is making the case for why I should Get Out. Mike writes the blog Threw Mike’s Eyez. “Get out,” he writes. “It’s a great idea.”

This morning is the last Farmer’s Market of the season in Oakland Mills. This afternoon is the Dazzle Dash which kicks off the Symphony of Lights. And another thought: when I recently asked readers what their new favorite store was in Old Ellicott City, no one had an answer. So, maybe get out on Main Street and noodle around?

There’s a Holiday Craft Shop at the Hawthorn Center in Hickory Ridge today from 2-5. And the Friends and Foundation of the Howard County Library System is having a meet-up at Hysteria Brewing Company at 4:00. There are also events at Historic Belmont and the Robinson Nature Center.

Or you can just bundle up at take a walk around the lake of your choice.

Perhaps you want to pop in to the Mall and see the Poinsettia Tree before the place becomes too crazed with holiday shoppers. Just a thought.