Friday, November 3, 2017

Weekend Update

It’s going to be peak Oakland Mills around here this weekend. Consider adding one or both of these events to your calendar.

“Peter and the Star-catcher” is the fall play at Oakland Mills High School. They opened last night and there are two more performances, tonight and Saturday at 7 pm. Tickets are ten dollars and you can learn more about the play here

Saturday from 10 am to 3 pm is the annual Oakland Mills High School Craft Fair. Check out their website here. From the OMHS PTSA:

Come shop, socialize, & grab a bowl of chili for lunch! We have expanded this year & will have vendors in the cafeteria too! Get a jump on holiday shopping!

Be sure to stop by and visit the From Momma’s Kitchen table for some delicious baked goods while you are there. It’s an Oakland Mills business started by a former Talbott Springs Elementary School Teacher. Buy some dessert for yourself or a snack to keep you going while you shop.

Hop on over and see some of the best my village has to offer this weekend.