Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Clean Living

Happy first day of Spring. How about that snow forecast, eh?

In honor of the changing of the seasons, here’s a little public health announcement: wash your hands.

No, it’s not a hocolocal story. It’s universal. Take it from an early childhood teacher: you need to start them young. Children are natural germ spreaders. You don’t really want me to go into detail.

Washing ones hands is such a basic contribution we can all make to public health. You’d be amazed at how lackadaisical many folks are about it. It’s not a very “sexy” cause in the grand scheme of things, but it should be.

Visiting a pregnant friend?
     Wash your hands.
Meeting a new baby?
     Wash your hands.
Walking in the door at the end of the day?
     Wash your hands.
Leaving your volunteer shift at the preschool?
     Wash your hands.

Why yes, I do have a sick teenager at my house right now, and I’m desperately hoping to remain well. Why do you ask?
